Catherine E. De Vries
Catherine E. De Vries
Generali Endowed Chair & Professor, Bocconi University
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Measuring party positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill expert survey trend file, 1999–2010
R Bakker, C De Vries, E Edwards, L Hooghe, S Jolly, G Marks, J Polk, ...
Party Politics 21 (1), 143-152, 2015
Reliability and validity of measuring party positions: The Chapel Hill expert surveys of 2002 and 2006
L Hooghe, R Bakker, A Brigevich, C De Vries, E Edwards, G Marks, ...
European Journal of Political Research 49 (5), 687-703, 2010
Taking Europe to its extremes: Extremist parties and public Euroscepticism
CE De Vries, EE Edwards
Party Politics 15 (1), 5-28, 2009
Euroscepticism and the future of European integration
CE De Vries
Oxford University Press, 2018
Public support for European integration
SB Hobolt, CE De Vries
Annual Review of Political Science 19 (1), 413-432, 2016
Who’s cueing whom? Mass-elite linkages and the future of European integration
MR Steenbergen, EE Edwards, CE De Vries
European Union Politics 8 (1), 13-35, 2007
When dimensions collide: The electoral success of issue entrepreneurs
CE De Vries, SB Hobolt
European Union Politics 13 (2), 246-268, 2012
Mean voter representation and partisan constituency representation: Do parties respond to the mean voter position or to their supporters?
L Ezrow, C De Vries, M Steenbergen, E Edwards
Party Politics 17 (3), 275-301, 2011
Sleeping giant: Fact or fairytale? How European integration affects national elections
CE De Vries
European Union Politics 8 (3), 363-385, 2007
Political entrepreneurs: The rise of challenger parties in Europe
CE Vries, S Hobolt
Princeton University Press, 2020
Issue entrepreneurship and multiparty competition
SB Hobolt, CE De Vries
Comparative Political Studies 48 (9), 1159-1185, 2015
Why do parties change position? Party organization and environmental incentives
G Schumacher, CE De Vries, B Vis
The Journal of politics 75 (2), 464-477, 2013
The dynamics of voters’ left/right identification: The role of economic and cultural attitudes
CE De Vries, A Hakhverdian, B Lancee
Political Science Research and Methods 1 (2), 223-238, 2013
Individual and contextual variation in EU issue voting: The role of political information
CE De Vries, W Van der Brug, MH Van Egmond, C Van der Eijk
Electoral Studies 30 (1), 16-28, 2011
Going green: Explaining issue competition on the environment
JJ Spoon, SB Hobolt, CE De Vries
European Journal of Political Research 53 (2), 363-380, 2014
Turning against the Union? The impact of the crisis on the Eurosceptic vote in the 2014 European Parliament elections
SB Hobolt, C De Vries
Electoral studies 44, 504-514, 2016
In Europe we trust? Exploring three logics of trust in the European Union
E Harteveld, T Meer, CED Vries
European Union Politics 14 (4), 542-565, 2013
The electoral consequences of corruption
CE De Vries, H Solaz
Annual Review of Political Science 20 (1), 391-408, 2017
Exploiting the cracks: Wedge issues in multiparty competition
M Van de Wardt, CE De Vries, SB Hobolt
The Journal of Politics 76 (4), 986-999, 2014
The salience of the European integration issue: Three data sources compared
CE Netjes, HA Binnema
Electoral studies 26 (1), 39-49, 2007
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