Hans-Joerg Trenz
Hans-Joerg Trenz
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Media coverage on European governance: Exploring the European public sphere in national quality newspapers
HJ Trenz
European journal of communication 19 (3), 291-319, 2004
The democratizing dynamics of a European public sphere: Towards a theory of democratic functionalism
HJ Trenz, K Eder
European Journal of Social Theory 7 (1), 5-25, 2004
The politicization of Europe: Contesting the constitution in the mass media
P Statham, HJ Trenz
Routledge, 2012
Denouncing European integration: Euroscepticism as polity contestation
P De Wilde, HJ Trenz
European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4), 537-554, 2012
Understanding the mechanisms of EU politicization: Lessons from the Eurozone crisis
P Statham, HJ Trenz
Comparative European Politics 13, 287-306, 2015
Europa in den Medien
HJ Trenz.
Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2001, 169-172, 2021
Regieren in Europa jenseits öffentlicher Legitimation? Eine Untersuchung zur Rolle von politischer Öffentlichkeit in Europa
K Eder, KU Hellmann, HJ Trenz
Regieren in entgrenzten Räumen, 321-344, 1998
Zur Konstitution politischer Öffentlichkeit in der Europäischen Union: zivilgesellschaftliche Subpolitik oder schaupolitische Inszenierung?
HJ Trenz
Nomos, 2002
Korruption und politischer Skandal in der EU. Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen politischen Öffentlichkeit
HJ Trenz
Die Europäisierung nationaler Gesellschaften. Sonderheft 40, 332-359, 2000
Contesting Europe: Exploring Euroscepticism in online media coverage
P De Wilde, A Michailidou, HJ Trenz
ECPR Press, 2013
‘Quo vadis Europe?’Quality newspapers struggling for European unity
HJ Trenz
The European Union and the public sphere, 103-123, 2007
Converging on euroscepticism: Online polity contestation during E uropean P arliament elections
P De Wilde, A Michailidou, HJ Trenz
European journal of political research 53 (4), 766-783, 2014
Media morality and visual icons in the age of social media: Alan Kurdi and the emergence of an impromptu public of moral spectatorship
M Mortensen, HJ Trenz
Javnost-The Public 23 (4), 343-362, 2016
How E uropean U nion Politicization can Emerge through Contestation: The Constitution Case
P Statham, HJ Trenz
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51 (5), 965-980, 2013
The EU's fledgling society: From deafening silence to critical voice in European constitution-making
J Erik Fossum, HJ Trenz
Journal of civil society 2 (1), 57-77, 2006
Understanding media impact on European integration: Enhancing or restricting the scope of legitimacy of the EU?
HJ Trenz
European Integration 30 (2), 291-309, 2008
Digital media and the return of the representative public sphere
HJ Trenz
Javnost-the public 16 (1), 33-46, 2009
Complex and dynamic integration processes in Europe: intra EU mobility and international migration in times of recession
HJ Trenz, A Triandafyllidou
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 43 (4), 546-559, 2017
Engaging with European politics through Twitter and Facebook: Participation beyond the national?
M Bossetta, A Dutceac Segesten, HJ Trenz
Social media and European politics: Rethinking power and legitimacy in the …, 2017
European civil society: Between participation, representation and discourse
HJ Trenz
Policy and Society 28 (1), 35-46, 2009
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