Benjamin G. Bishin
Benjamin G. Bishin
Professor of Political Science
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Tyranny of the minority: the subconstituency politics theory of representation
BG Bishin
Temple University Press, 2009
Opinion backlash and public attitudes: Are political advances in gay rights counterproductive?
BG Bishin, TJ Hayes, MB Incantalupo, CA Smith
American Journal of Political Science 60 (3), 625-648, 2016
Constituency influence in Congress: Does subconstituency matter?
BG Bishin
Legis. Stud. Q. 25, 389, 2000
Authoritarian attitudes, democracy, and policy preferences among Latin American elites
D Stevens, BG Bishin, RR Barr
American Journal of Political Science 50 (3), 606-620, 2006
Character counts? Honesty and fairness in election 2000
BG Bishin, D Stevens, C Wilson
Public Opinion Quarterly 70 (2), 235-248, 2006
Representation in congressional campaigns: Evidence for discounting/directional voting in US Senate elections
J Adams, BG Bishin, JK Dow
The Journal of Politics 66 (2), 348-373, 2004
The Political Incorporation of Cuban Americans: Why Won’t Little Havana Turn Blue?
BG Bishin, CA Klofstad
Political Research Quarterly 65 (3), 586-599, 2012
When do legislators defy popular sovereignty? Testing theories of minority representation using DOMA
BG Bishin, CA Smith
Political Research Quarterly 66 (4), 794-803, 2013
Women, property rights, and Islam
BG Bishin, FM Cherif
Comparative Politics 49 (4), 501-520, 2017
Getting out the vote: Minority mobilization in a presidential election
D Stevens, BG Bishin
Political Behavior 33, 113-138, 2011
Does democracy “suffer” from diversity? Issue representation and diversity in senate elections
BG Bishin, JK Dow, J Adams
Public Choice 129, 201-215, 2006
The impact of economic versus institutional factors in elite evaluations of presidential progress toward democracy in Latin America
BG Bishin, RR Barr, MJ Lebo
Comparative Political Studies 39 (10), 1194-1219, 2006
Issue salience, subconstituency politics, and legislative representation
TJ Hayes, BG Bishin
Congress & the presidency 39 (2), 133-159, 2012
The determinants of racial disparities in perceived job insecurity: A test of three perspectives
G Wilson, T McNulty Eitle, B Bishin
Sociological Inquiry 76 (2), 210-230, 2006
Bimodal issues, the median voter model, Legislator's ideology, and abortion
MH Medoff, C Dennis, BG Bishin
Atlantic Economic Journal 23, 293-303, 1995
The power of equality? Polarization and collective mis-representation on gay rights in Congress, 1989–2019
BG Bishin, J Freebourn, P Teten
Political Research Quarterly 74 (4), 1009-1023, 2021
Do social ties encourage immigrant voters to participate in other campaign activities?
CA Klofstad, BG Bishin
Social Science Quarterly 95 (2), 295-310, 2014
Elite-led mobilization and gay rights: Dispelling the myth of mass opinion backlash
BG Bishin, TJ Hayes, MB Incantalupo, CA Smith
University of Michigan Press, 2021
Constituent diversity and congress: the case of NAFTA
C Dennis, B Bishin, P Nicolaou
The Journal of Socio-Economics 29 (4), 349-360, 2000
Elite mobilization: A theory explaining opposition to gay rights
BG Bishin, TJ Hayes, MB Incantalupo, CA Smith
Law & Society Review 54 (1), 233-264, 2020
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