Jacques Sombrin
Jacques Sombrin
TESA Laboratory
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Neural networks for modeling nonlinear memoryless communication channels
M Ibnkahla, J Sombrin, F Castanie, NJ Bershad
Communications, IEEE Transactions on 45 (7), 768-771, 1997
Neural network modeling and identification of nonlinear channels with memory: algorithms, applications, and analytic models
M Ibnkahla, NJ Bershad, J Sombrin, F Castanié
IEEE transactions on signal processing 46 (5), 1208-1220, 1998
Hybrid resonant modes of two-sided multipactor and transition to the polyphase regime
A Kryazhev, M Buyanova, V Semenov, D Anderson, M Lisak, J Puech, ...
Physics of Plasmas 9 (11), 4736-4743, 2002
Direct electromagnetic optimization of microwave filters
S Bila, D Baillargeat, M Aubourg, S Verdeyme, P Guillon, F Seyfert, ...
IEEE Microwave Magazine 2 (1), 46-51, 2001
New method for detection of multipaction
R Udiljak, D Anderson, P Ingvarson, U Jordan, U Jostell, L Lapierre, G Li, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 31 (3), 396-404, 2003
Multi-beam reflector antenna system combining beam hopping and size reduction of effectively used spots
NJG Fonseca, J Sombrin
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 54 (2), 88-99, 2012
Multiport-amplifier-based architecture versus classical architecture for space telecommunication payloads
A Mallet, A Anakabe, J Sombrin, R Rodriguez
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 54 (12), 4353-4361, 2006
Extraction of coupling parameters for microwave filters: Determination of a stable rational model from scattering data
F Seyfert, L Baratchart, JP Marmorat, S Bila, J Sombrin
IEEE MTT-S Int Microwave Symp Dig 1 (2003), 2003
On the effective diffusion length for microwave breakdown
U Jordan, D Anderson, L Lapierre, M Lisak, T Olsson, J Puech, ...
IEEE transactions on plasma science 34 (2), 421-430, 2006
A novel experimental noise power ratio characterization method for multicarrier microwave power amplifiers
T Reveyrand, D Barataud, J Lajoinie, M Campovecchio, JM Nebus, ...
55th ARFTG Conference Digest 37, 1-5, 2000
On the formal identity of EVM and NPR measurement methods: Conditions for identity of error vector magnitude and noise power ratio
JB Sombrin
2011 41st European Microwave Conference, 337-340, 2011
Coupled Padé approximation-finite element method applied to microwave device design
B Thon, D Bariant, S Bila, D Baillargeat, M Aubourg, S Verdeyme, ...
2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No. 02CH37278 …, 2002
Linear and nonlinear FET modeling applying an electromagnetic and electrical hybrid software
E Larique, S Mons, D Baillargeat, S Verdeyme, M Aubourg, R Quéré, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 47 (6), 915-918, 1999
Device for the measurement of intermodulation products of a receiver system
C Boschet, J Sombrin
US Patent 4,918,684, 1990
New multipactor dynamics in presence of dielectrics
E Sorolla, M Belhaj, J Sombrin, J Puech
Physics of Plasmas 24 (10), 2017
A calibrated time domain envelope measurement system for the behavioral modeling of power amplifiers
T Reveyrand, C Mazière, JM Nébus, R Quéré, A Mallet, L Lapierre, ...
Microwave engineering Europe, 2002
Effet multipactor
J Sombrin
CNES, Toulouse, France, CNES Tech. Rep 83, 1983
Finite-element modeling for the design optimization of microwave filters
S Bila, D Baillargeat, M Aubourg, S Verdeyme, F Seyfert, L Baratchart, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 40 (2), 1472-1475, 2004
Efficient simulation of NPR for the optimum design of satellite transponders SSPAs
J Lajoinie, E Ngoya, D Barataud, JM Nebus, J Sombrin, B Rivierre
1998 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No. 98CH36192 …, 1998
A test set-up for the analysis of multi-tone intermodulation in microwave devices
JP Teyssier, J Sombrin, R Quéré, S Laurent, F Gizard
84th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference, 1-3, 2014
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Artigos 1–20