Anand Avati
Cited by
Cited by
Improving palliative care with deep learning
A Avati, K Jung, S Harman, L Downing, A Ng, NH Shah
BMC medical informatics and decision making 18, 55-64, 2018
Ngboost: Natural gradient boosting for probabilistic prediction
T Duan, A Anand, DY Ding, KK Thai, S Basu, A Ng, A Schuler
International conference on machine learning, 2690-2700, 2020
Neural language correction with character-based attention
Z Xie, A Avati, N Arivazhagan, D Jurafsky, AY Ng
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.09727, 2016
A framework for making predictive models useful in practice
K Jung, S Kashyap, A Avati, S Harman, H Shaw, R Li, M Smith, K Shum, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (6), 1149-1158, 2021
Gap-filling eddy covariance methane fluxes: Comparison of machine learning model predictions and uncertainties at FLUXNET-CH4 wetlands
J Irvin, S Zhou, G McNicol, F Lu, V Liu, E Fluet-Chouinard, Z Ouyang, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308, 108528, 2021
Ambulatory atrial fibrillation monitoring using wearable photoplethysmography with deep learning
Y Shen, M Voisin, A Aliamiri, A Avati, A Hannun, A Ng
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2019
Countdown regression: sharp and calibrated survival predictions
A Avati, T Duan, S Zhou, K Jung, NH Shah, AY Ng
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 145-155, 2020
Automated and flexible identification of complex disease: building a model for systemic lupus erythematosus using noisy labeling
SG Murray, A Avati, G Schmajuk, J Yazdany
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 26 (1), 61-65, 2019
Pro-active self-healing in a distributed file system
PK Karampuri, AV Avati, V Bellur
US Patent 9,317,509, 2016
Delayed asynchronous file replication in a distributed file system
AV Avati, PK Karampuri
US Patent 11,016,941, 2021
Using AI to empower collaborative team workflows: two implementations for advance care planning and care escalation
RC Li, M Smith, J Lu, A Avati, S Wang, WG Teuteberg, K Shum, G Hong, ...
NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery 3 (4), CAT. 21.0457, 2022
Short-term solar irradiance forecasting using calibrated probabilistic models
E Zelikman, S Zhou, J Irvin, C Raterink, H Sheng, A Avati, J Kelly, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04715, 2020
Transferring objects between different storage devices based on timestamps
AV Avati, AT Suryanarayan
US Patent 10,235,382, 2019
Compacting change logs using file content location identifiers
A Avati
US Patent 10,025,808, 2018
CRUDE: calibrating regression uncertainty distributions empirically
E Zelikman, C Healy, S Zhou, A Avati
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12496, 2020
Caseless file lookup in a distributed file system
A Avati, J Darcy
US Patent 10,534,753, 2020
File replication using file content location identifiers
A Avati
US Patent 9,986,029, 2018
Unified file and object data storage
AV Avati, MJ Ahmed
US Patent 9,971,788, 2018
Accessing a file system using a hard link mapped to a file handle
AT Suryanarayan, AV Avati
US Patent App. 13/740,084, 2014
Improving hospital readmission prediction using individualized utility analysis
M Ko, E Chen, A Agrawal, P Rajpurkar, A Avati, A Ng, S Basu, NH Shah
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 119, 103826, 2021
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Articles 1–20