Loreto Antón
Loreto Antón
Faculty of sciences. UNED
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Using river long profiles and geomorphic indices to evaluate the geomorphological signature of continental scale drainage capture, Duero basin (NW Iberia)
L Antón, G De Vicente, A Muñoz-Martín, M Stokes
Geomorphology 206, 250-261, 2014
Quantification of fluvial incision in the Duero Basin (NW Iberia) from longitudinal profile analysis and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide concentrations
L Antón, A Rodés, G De Vicente, R Pallàs, D Garcia-Castellanos, ...
Geomorphology 165, 50-61, 2012
Exceptional river gorge formation from unexceptional floods
L Anton, AE Mather, M Stokes, A Munoz-Martin, G De Vicente
Nature communications 6 (1), 7963, 2015
Mechanisms and age estimates of continental-scale endorheic to exorheic drainage transition: Douro River, Western Iberia
PP Cunha, AA Martins, A Gomes, M Stokes, J Cabral, FC Lopes, ...
Global and Planetary Change 181, 102985, 2019
Seismicity and potencially active faults in the Northwest and Central-West Iberian Peninsula
F Martín-González, L Antón, JM Insúa Arévalo, G Vicente, ...
CSIC-UCM-Instituto de Geociencias (IGEO), 2012
Geomorphic and tectonic implications of the endorheic to exorheic transition of the Ebro River system in northeast Iberia
Á Soria-Jáuregui, F Jiménez-Cantizano, L Antón
Quaternary Research 91 (2), 472-492, 2019
Dates and rates of endo-exorheic drainage development: Insights from fluvial terraces (Duero River, Iberian Peninsula)
L Rodríguez-Rodríguez, L Antón, Á Rodés, R Pallàs, ...
Global and Planetary Change 193, 103271, 2020
Estimating groundwater resources in remote desert environments by coupling geographic information systems with groundwater modeling (Erg Chebbi, Morocco)
M García-Rodríguez, L Antón, P Martinez-Santos
Journal of arid environments 110, 19-29, 2014
Análisis de la fracturación en un área granítica intraplaca: el Domo de Tormes
L Antón López
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2003
Alpine paleostress reconstruction and active faulting in western Iberia
L Antón, A Muñoz-Martín, G De Vicente
Central European Journal of Geosciences 2, 152-164, 2010
Quantifying the erosional impact of a continental-scale drainage capture in the Duero Basin, northwest Iberia
L Antón, A Muñoz-Martín, G De Vicente
Quaternary Research 91 (2), 457-471, 2019
Cálculo del perfil teórico de equilibrio de un río en función del índice de gradiente
F Jiménez-Cantizano, L Antón, Á Soria-Jáuregui, C Pastor-Martín
Geogaceta 62, 51-54, 2017
Controles tectónicos y estructurales de la incisión fluvial en el centro-oeste de la Cuenca del Duero, NO de Iberia
L Antón López, A Muñoz Martín
Análisis de la geometría en profundidad de fracturas conductoras en zonas de baja permeabilidad mediante tomografía eléctrica (El Berrocal, Sistema Central Español)
A Muñoz Martín, AJ Olaiz Campos, G Vicente Muñoz, L Antón López, ...
Sociedad Geológica de España, 2007
Exceptional river gorge formation from unexceptional floods, Nat. Commun., 6, 7963
L Anton, AE Mather, M Stokes, A Munoz-Martin, G De Vicente
A GIS method to identify flat surfaces and restore relict fluvial long‐profiles from terrace remnants gives new clues on how large basins respond to endorheic–exorheic …
L Rodríguez‐Rodríguez, L Antón, R Pallàs, D García‐Castellanos, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45, 1013– 1027, 2019
Deciphering fluvial-capture-induced erosional patterns at the continental scale on the Iberian Peninsula
L Anton, A Muñoz-Martin, G De Vicente, N Finnegan
Geomorphology 165 (166), 50-61, 2017
Lineaments in the West-Central Hesperic Massif (Portugal and Spain) and their geomorphic and tectonic significance
TM Ramón Vegas, Loreto Antón, Alberto Gomes
Geotemas, 13 13, 1674-1678, 2012
Tensor actual de esfuerzos y fallas potencialmente activas en el Domo del Tormes (NO de Iberia)
L Antón López, G Vicente Muñoz
Sociedad Geológica de España, 2006
Stream regularization index. A morphometric approach to quantify the longitudinal profile regularization stage
FA Jiménez-Cantizano, L Antón
Geomorphology 424, 108580, 2023
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