stephane clain
stephane clain
Full professor in applied mathematics and scientific computing, Coimbra University
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A high-order finite volume method for systems of conservation laws—Multi-dimensional Optimal Order Detection (MOOD)
S Clain, S Diot, R Loubère
Journal of computational Physics 230 (10), 4028-4050, 2011
Improved detection criteria for the multi-dimensional optimal order detection (MOOD) on unstructured meshes with very high-order polynomials
S Diot, S Clain, R Loubère
Computers & Fluids 64, 43-63, 2012
Numerical modeling in induction heating for axisymmetric geometries
C Chaboudez, S Clain, R Glardon, D Mari, J Rappaz, M Swierkosz
IEEE transactions on magnetics 33 (1), 739-745, 1997
The Multidimensional Optimal Order Detection method in the three‐dimensional case: very high‐order finite volume method for hyperbolic systems
S Diot, R Loubère, S Clain
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 73 (4), 362-392, 2013
Monoslope and multislope MUSCL methods for unstructured meshes
T Buffard, S Clain
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (10), 3745-3776, 2010
Numerical modeling of induction heating for two-dimensional geometries
S Clain, J Rappaz, M Swierkosz, R Touzani
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences 3 (06), 805-822, 1993
Sedimentary responses to the Pleistocene climatic variations recorded in the South China Sea
S Boulay, C Colin, A Trentesaux, S Clain, Z Liu, C Lauer-Leredde
Quaternary Research 68 (1), 162-172, 2007
A well-balanced scheme for the shallow-water equations with topography
V Michel-Dansac, C Berthon, S Clain, F Foucher
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 (3), 568-593, 2016
Numerical modelling of induction heating of long workpieces
C Chaboudez, S Clain, R Glardon, J Rappaz, M Swierkosz, R Touzani
IEEE transactions on magnetics 30 (6), 5028-5037, 1994
A well-balanced scheme for the shallow-water equations with topography or Manning friction
V Michel-Dansac, C Berthon, S Clain, F Foucher
Journal of Computational Physics 335, 115-154, 2017
Transport coefficients in thermal plasma. Applications to Mars and Titan atmospheres
P André, J Aubreton, S Clain, M Dudeck, E Duffour, MF Elchinger, B Izrar, ...
The European Physical Journal D 57, 227-234, 2010
A sixth-order finite volume method for multidomain convection–diffusion problem with discontinuous coefficients
S Clain, GJ Machado, JM Nóbrega, RMS Pereira
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 267, 43-64, 2013
L stability of the MUSCL methods
S Clain, V Clauzon
Numerische Mathematik 116, 31-64, 2010
Analyse mathématique et numérique d'un modèle de chauffage par induction
S Clain
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 1994
Numerical solution of the free boundary Bernoulli problem using a level set formulation
F Bouchon, S Clain, R Touzani
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 194 (36-38), 3934-3948, 2005
Very high-order method on immersed curved domains for finite difference schemes with regular Cartesian grids
J Fernández-Fidalgo, S Clain, L Ramírez, I Colominas, X Nogueira
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 360, 112782, 2020
First-and second-order finite volume methods for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system
S Clain, D Rochette
Journal of computational Physics 228 (22), 8214-8248, 2009
High-accurate SPH method with multidimensional optimal order detection limiting
X Nogueira, L Ramírez, S Clain, R Loubère, L Cueto-Felgueroso, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 310, 134-155, 2016
Very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on curved boundaries for the two-dimensional steady-state convection–diffusion equation with Dirichlet condition
R Costa, S Clain, R Loubère, GJ Machado
Applied Mathematical Modelling 54, 752-767, 2018
Solution of a two-dimensional stationary induction heating problem without boundedness of the coefficients
S Clain, R Touzani
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 31 (7), 845-870, 1997
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Articles 1–20