Bonizzoni Paola
Bonizzoni Paola
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Care (and) circulation revisited: a conceptual map of diversity in transnational parenting
P Bonizzoni, P Boccagni
Transnational families, migration and the circulation of care, 78-93, 2013
Immigrant working mothers reconciling work and childcare: The experience of Latin American and Eastern European women in Milan
P Bonizzoni
Social politics 21 (2), 194-217, 2014
Teachers’ guidance, family participation and track choice: the educational disadvantage of immigrant students in Italy
P Bonizzoni, M Romito, C Cavallo
British journal of sociology of education 37 (5), 702-720, 2016
Famiglie globali: le frontiere della maternità
P Bonizzoni
Utet, 2009
Famiglie transnazionali e ricongiunte: per un approfondimento nello studio delle famiglie migranti
P Bonizzoni
Mondi migranti, 2007
Policing the intimate borders of the nation: A review of recent trends in family-related forms of immigration control
P Bonizzoni
Gendering nationalism: Intersections of nation, gender and sexuality, 223-239, 2018
The shifting boundaries of (un) documentedness: A gendered understanding of migrants’ employment-based legalization pathways in Italy
P Bonizzoni
Ethnic and Racial Studies 40 (10), 1643-1662, 2017
Here or there? Shifting meanings and practices in mother–child relationships across time and space
P Bonizzoni
International Migration 53 (6), 166-182, 2015
Civic stratification, stratified reproduction and family solidarity: Strategies of Latino families in Milan
P Bonizzoni
Gender, generations and the family in international migration, 313-334, 2011
Gender, civic stratification and the right to family life: problematising immigrants' integration in the EU
A Kraler, P Bonizzoni
International review of sociology 20 (1), 181-187, 2010
Living together again: families surviving Italian immigration policies
P Bonizzoni
International Review of Sociology—Revue Internationale de Sociologie 19 (1 …, 2009
Uneven paths: Latin American women facing Italian family reunification policies
P Bonizzoni
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (12), 2001-2020, 2015
How religion shapes immigrants’ integration: The case of Christian migrant churches in Italy
SDM Maurizio Ambrosini, Paola Bonizzoni
Current Sociology, 2021
Undocumented domestic workers in Italy: surviving and regularizing strategies
P Bonizzoni
Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe, 135-160, 2016
Looking for the best and brightest? Deservingness regimes in Italian labour migration management
P Bonizzoni
International Migration 56 (4), 47-62, 2018
I nuovi vicini: famiglie migranti e integrazione sul territorio
M Ambrosini, P Bonizzoni
Fondazione Ismu, 2012
Ritrovarsi altrove
M Ambrosini, P Bonizzoni, E Caneva
Famiglie ricongiunte e adolescenti di origine immigrata, 2010
Local immigrant incorporation pathways in small-scale cities. Pakistani immigrants in a province of northern Italy
P Bonizzoni, R Marzorati
Sociologica 9 (2), 0-0, 2015
The border (s) within: Formal and informal processes of status production, negotiation and contestation in a migratory context
P Bonizzoni
Migration, borders and citizenship: Between policy and public spheres, 217-235, 2020
Incontrarsi e riconoscersi: socialità, identificazione, integrazione sociale tra i giovani immigrati
M Ambrosini, P Bonizzoni, E Caneva
Fondazione Ismu, 2011
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