Carlos Alberto Stefano Filho
Carlos Alberto Stefano Filho
Data Scientist; PhD in Aplied Physics
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Can graph metrics be used for EEG-BCIs based on hand motor imagery?
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 40, 359-365, 2018
Space-time recurrences for functional connectivity evaluation and feature extraction in motor imagery brain-computer interfaces
PG Rodrigues, CAS Filho, R Attux, G Castellano, DC Soriano
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57, 1709-1725, 2019
AI-enabled photonic smart garment for movement analysis
L Avellar, C Stefano Filho, G Delgado, A Frizera, E Rocon, A Leal-Junior
Scientific reports 12 (1), 4067, 2022
EEG sensorimotor rhythms’ variation and functional connectivity measures during motor imagery: linear relations and classification approaches
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
PeerJ, 2017
A correntropy-based classifier for motor imagery brain-computer interfaces
LFS Uribe, CA Stefano Filho, VA de Oliveira, TB da Silva Costa, ...
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 5 (6), 065026, 2019
On the (in) efficacy of motor imagery training without feedback and event-related desynchronizations considerations
CA Stefano Filho, TBS Costa, LFS Uribe, PG Rodrigues, DC Soriano, ...
Biomedical physics & engineering express 6 (3), 035030, 2020
Motor imagery practice and feedback effects on functional connectivity
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
Journal of neural engineering 18 (6), 066048, 2022
Reorganization of resting-state EEG functional connectivity patterns in children with cerebral palsy following a motor imagery virtual-reality intervention
CA Stefano Filho, J Ignacio Serrano, R Attux, G Castellano, E Rocon, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (5), 2372, 2021
Complex network changes during a virtual reality rehabilitation protocol following stroke: a case study
JA Feitosa, CA Stefano Filho, RF Casseb, A Camargo, BSG Martins, ...
2019 9th international IEEE/EMBS conference on neural engineering (NER), 891-894, 2019
Actual, sham and no-feedback effects in motor imagery practice
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
Biomedical signal processing and control 71, 103262, 2022
Eeg functional connectivity patterns over the course of neurofeedback attention training for healthy subjects: A pilot study
CA Stefano Filho, LT de Menezes, JOF Pigatto, G Castellano
XXVI Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering: CBEB 2018, Armação de …, 2019
Modeling functional network topology following stroke through graph theory: functional reorganization and motor recovery prediction
SRM Almeida, CA Stefano Filho, J Vicentini, SL Novi, RC Mesquita, ...
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 55, e12036, 2022
Considerations on the Individualization of motor imagery neurofeedback training
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
Latin American Workshop on Computational Neuroscience, 236-248, 2019
Can dynamic functional connectivity be used to distinguish between resting-state and motor imagery in EEG-BCIs?
PG Rodrigues, CAS Filho, AK Takahata, R Suyama, R Attux, G Castellano, ...
Complex Networks & Their Applications X: Volume 2, Proceedings of the Tenth …, 2022
Análisis de movimiento mediante textil inteligente
GD Oleas, L Avellar, CA Stefano Filho, AF Neto, AL Junior, ER de Lima
XLIII Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas: 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2022 …, 2022
A comparative analysis of correlation and correntropy in graph-based brain computer interfaces
LFS Uribe, CA Stefano Filho, VB Olivatto, VA Oliveira, DC Soriano, ...
XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, São Pedro, Brasil, 2017
Motor Imagery Neurofeedback: From System Conceptualization to Neural Correlates
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports, 1-21, 2024
Reproducibility analysis of functional connectivity measures for application in motor imagery BCIs
PFG de Vazquez, CA Stefano Filho, GC de Melo, A Forner-Cordero, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 85, 105061, 2023
Graph centrality measures for assessing motor imagery tasks: an offline analysis for EEG-BCIs
CA Stefano Filho, R Attux, G Castellano
XXV Brazilian congress on biomedical engineering (CBEB). Foz do Iguaċu, 1386 …, 2016
Psycho-physio-neurological correlates of qualitative attention, emotion and flow experiences in a close-to-real-life extreme sports situation: low-and high-altitude slackline …
MF de Sampaio Barros, CA Stefano Filho, LT de Menezes, ...
PeerJ 12, e17743, 2024
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