New challenges in teaching introductory programming courses: a case study I Huet, OR Pacheco, J Tavares, G Weir 34th Annual Frontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004., T2H/5-T2H/9 Vol. 1, 2004 | 43 | 2004 |
Google trends in tourism and hospitality research: A systematic literature review G Dinis, Z Breda, C Costa, O Pacheco Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 10 (4), 747-763, 2019 | 40 | 2019 |
Integrated system for analysis and automatic classification of sleep EEG OR Pacheco, F Vaz Proceedings of the 20th annual international conference of the IEEE …, 1998 | 26 | 1998 |
Key factors for implementation and success of destination management systems. Empirical evidence from European countries CA Martins, MJA Carneiro, OR Pacheco Industrial Management & Data Systems 121 (6), 1287-1324, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
A New Living Lab for Usability Evaluation of ICT and Next Generation Networks for Elderly@ Home. AJS Teixeira, NP da Rocha, MS Dias, D Braga, A Queirós, O Pacheco, ... AAL, 85-97, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
New telerehabilitation services for the elderly A Teixeira, C Pereira, MO e Silva, J Alvarelhão, AG Silva, M Cerqueira, ... Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency …, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
A telemedicine application for EEG signal transmission F Vaz, O Pacheco, AM da Silva Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering …, 1991 | 21 | 1991 |
Similarities and correlation between resident tourist overnights and Google Trends information in Portugal and its tourism regions MGF Dinis, CMM Costa, OMR Pacheco Tourism & Management Studies 13 (3), 15-22, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
The use of Google Trends data as proxy of foreign tourist inflows to Portugal G Dinis, C Costa, O Pacheco International Journal of Cultural and Digital Tourism 3 (1), 66-75, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Classifier for drinking water quality in real time J Camejo, O Pacheco, M Guevara 2013 International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (ICCAT), 1-5, 2013 | 19 | 2013 |
Nós Googlamos! Utilização da ferramenta Google Trends para compreender o interesse do público pelo Turismo no Algarve G Dinis, C Costa, O Pacheco Dos Algarves: Tourism, Hospitality & Management Journal 1 (26), 63-83, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Os canais de marketing digital no processo de tomada de decisão de compra em turismo G Dinis, C Costa, O Pacheco CIGEST, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
E-Business strategies for destination management organisations CA Martins, CMM Costa, OR Pacheco Strategies in Tourism Organizations and Destinations, 47-56, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Models for research-based teaching in engineering courses: a case-study at the University of Aveiro (PT) and San José State University (USA) I Huet, NJ Mourtos, N Costa, O Pacheco, J Tavares International Conference on Engineering Education–ICEE 2007, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Water quality of Danube Delta systems: ecological status and prediction using machine-learning algorithms C Stoica, J Camejo, A Banciu, M Nita-Lazar, I Paun, S Cristofor, ... Water Science and Technology 73 (10), 2413-2421, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Effects of curriculum adjustments on first-year programming courses: students' performance and achievement I Huet, O Pacheco, J Tavares 33rd Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder, Colorado, 2003 | 11 | 2003 |
Interoperability between information systems of Portuguese higher education institutions LM Ribeiro, RH Pereira, O Pacheco, M Bernardes, RT Martins EUNIS 22nd Annual Congress Book of Proceedings, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Output Matters! Adaptable Multimodal Output for New Telerehabilitation Services for the Elderly. AJS Teixeira, C Pereira, MO e Silva, J Alvarelhão, AJR Neves, O Pacheco AAL, 23-35, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Identificação de utilizadores: a chave para a personalização de aplicações de TV interativa para seniores T Silva, J Abreu, O Pacheco Communication Studies/Estudos em Comunicação 14, 137-156, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
AdaptO-Adaptive multimodal output A Teixeira, C Pereira, MO e Silva, O Pacheco, A Neves, J Casimiro International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and …, 2011 | 8 | 2011 |