José Luís Zêzere
José Luís Zêzere
RISKam, Centre of Geographical Studies, IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa
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Cited by
Shallow and deep landslides induced by rainfall in the Lisbon region (Portugal): assessment of relationships with the North Atlantic Oscillation
JL Zêzere, RM Trigo, IF Trigo
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5 (3), 331-344, 2005
Mapping landslide susceptibility using data-driven methods
JL Zêzere, S Pereira, R Melo, SC Oliveira, RAC Garcia
Science of the total environment 589, 250-267, 2017
Guia metodológico para a produção de cartografia municipal de risco e para a criação de sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) de base municipal
RP Julião, F Nery, JL Ribeiro, M Castelo Branco, J Zêzere
Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil, 2009
Probabilistic landslide risk analysis considering direct costs in the area north of Lisbon (Portugal)
JL Zêzere, RAC Garcia, SC Oliveira, E Reis
Geomorphology 94 (3-4), 467-495, 2008
Landslide susceptibility assessment considering landslide typology. A case study in the area north of Lisbon (Portugal)
JL Zêzere
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2 (1/2), 73-82, 2002
Application of Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) and delineation of natural risk zones in Greater Lisbon, Portugal
C Guillard-Gonçalves, SL Cutter, CT Emrich, JL Zêzere
Journal of Risk Research 18 (5), 651-674, 2015
DISASTER: a GIS database on hydro-geomorphologic disasters in Portugal
JL Zêzere, S Pereira, AO Tavares, C Bateira, RM Trigo, I Quaresma, ...
Natural hazards 72, 503-532, 2014
Integration of spatial and temporal data for the definition of different landslide hazard scenarios in the area north of Lisbon (Portugal)
JL Zêzere, E Reis, R Garcia, S Oliveira, ML Rodrigues, G Vieira, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 4 (1), 133-146, 2004
Assessment and validation of wildfire susceptibility and hazard in Portugal
JC Verde, JL Zêzere
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (3), 485-497, 2010
Rainfall thresholds for landslide activity in Portugal: a state of the art
JL Zêzere, T Vaz, S Pereira, SC Oliveira, R Marques, RAC Garcia
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 2917-2936, 2015
The role of conditioning and triggering factors in the occurrence of landslides: a case study in the area north of Lisbon (Portugal)
JL Zêzere, A de Brum Ferreira, ML Rodrigues
Geomorphology 30 (1-2), 133-146, 1999
Landslide susceptibility assessment and validation in the framework of municipal planning in Portugal: the case of Loures Municipality
C Guillard, J Zezere
Environmental management 50, 721-735, 2012
Rainfall patterns and critical values associated with landslides in Povoação County (São Miguel Island, Azores): relationships with the North Atlantic Oscillation
R Marques, J Zêzere, R Trigo, J Gaspar, I Trigo
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (4), 478-494, 2008
Perigos naturais e tecnológicos no território de Portugal Continental
JL Zêzere, AR Pereira, P Morgado
Apontamentos de Geografia-Série Investigação 19, 2006
The contribution of PSInSAR interferometry to landslide hazard in weak rock-dominated areas
SC Oliveira, JL Zêzere, J Catalão, G Nico
Landslides 12, 703-719, 2015
Assessing predictive capacity and conditional independence of landslide predisposing factors for shallow landslide susceptibility models
S Pereira, JL Zêzere, C Bateira
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (4), 979-988, 2012
Landslides in the North of Lisbon Region (Portugal): conditioning and triggering factors
JL Zêzere, AB Ferreira, ML Rodrigues
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy 24 (10 …, 1999
The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on rainfall triggering of landslides near Lisbon
RM Trigo, JL Zêzere, ML Rodrigues, IF Trigo
Natural Hazards 36, 331-354, 2005
Movimentos de vertente e perigosidade geomorfológica na região a norte de Lisboa
JL Zêzere
Comparing flood mortality in Portugal and Greece (Western and eastern Mediterranean)
S Pereira, M Diakakis, G Deligiannakis, JL Zêzere
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 22, 147-157, 2017
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Articles 1–20