Francisco Cruz
Francisco Cruz
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Cited by
Met: workload aware elasticity for nosql
F Cruz, F Maia, M Matos, R Oliveira, J Paulo, J Pereira, R Vilaça
Proceedings of the 8th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, 183-196, 2013
An effective scalable SQL engine for NoSQL databases
R Vilaça, F Cruz, J Pereira, R Oliveira
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 13th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2013
On the expressiveness and trade-offs of large scale tuple stores
R Vilaça, F Cruz, R Oliveira
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, OTM 2010: Confederated …, 2010
Assessing nosql databases for telecom applications
F Cruz, P Gomes, R Oliveira, J Pereira
2011 IEEE 13th Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, 267-270, 2011
CumuloNimbo: A cloud scalable multi-tier SQL database
R Jiménez Peris, M Patiño Martínez, B Kemme, I Brondino, J Pereira, ...
Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering 38 (1), 73-83, 2015
Resource usage prediction in distributed key-value datastores
F Cruz, F Maia, M Matos, R Oliveira, J Paulo, J Pereira, R Vilaça
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 16th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2016
PH1: A transactional middleware for NoSQL
FACL Coelho, FMB da Cruz, RMP Vilaça, JO Pereira, RCM de Oliveira
2014 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 115-124, 2014
Method and a device for secure storage of at least one element of digital information, and system comprising such device
RCM De Oliveira, JTM Paulo, FMCB Da Cruz, FAFM De Almeida
US Patent 10,699,021, 2020
Workload-aware table splitting for NoSQL
F Cruz, F Maia, R Oliveira, R Vilaça
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 399-404, 2014
pH1: middleware transacional para NoSQL
F Coelho, F Cruz, J Pereira, R Vilaça, R Oliveira
IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS …, 2014
Data engineering
D Agrawal, A El Abbadi, K Salem, M Bravo, N Diegues, J Zeng, ...
IEEE, 1995
Clinico-radiologic profile of a dorsal variant of posterior cortical atrophy in a 55-year old female
J Yu, J Dominguez, MS Martinez, FM Cruz, R Pilotin
Journal of the Neurological Sciences 405, 44, 2019
Towards performance prediction in massive scale datastores
FM Cruz, FA Coelho, RC Oliveira
Towards autonomic workload aware NoSQL databases
PQDT-Global, 2016
CumuloNimbo: A Cloud Scalable Multi-tier SQL Database
RJ Peris, MP Martínez, B Kemme, I Brondino, JO Pereira, R Vilaça, ...
pH1: A Transactional Middleware for NoSQL
F Coelho, F Cruz, R Vilaça, JO Pereira, R Oliveira
IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems - SRDS, Nara …, 2014
A Simple Approach for Executing SQL on a NoSQL Datastore
R Vilaça, F Cruz, J Pereira, R Oliveira
CumuloNimbo: Parallel-‐Distributed Transactional Processing
R Jiménez, MPM Peris1a, I Brondino, B Kemmeb, J Pereirac, R Oliveirac, ...
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Articles 1–18