How globalisation improves governance F Bonaglia, JB De Macedo, M Bussolo The Law and Economics of Globalisation, 2009 | 263 | 2009 |
Exchange rates and the international adjustment process PJK Kouri, JB De Macedo, WS Salant, Marina v. N. Whitman Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 111-157, 1978 | 212 | 1978 |
Growth, reform indicators and policy complementarities1 JB De Macedo, JO Martins Economics of Transition 16 (2), 141-164, 2008 | 129 | 2008 |
The short-run macroeconomics of floating exchange rates: An exposition J Tobin, JB de Macedo | 106 | 1979 |
Preferential microbial reduction of hematite over goethite in a Brazilian Oxisol J Macedo, RB Bryant Soil Science Society of America Journal 53 (4), 1114-1118, 1989 | 97 | 1989 |
Unity with diversity in the European economy: the Community's southern frontier CJB Bliss, JB de Macedo Cambridge University Press, 1990 | 95 | 1990 |
Exchange rate behavior with currency inconvertibility JB De Macedo Journal of International Economics 12 (1-2), 65-81, 1982 | 85 | 1982 |
Currency convertibility: the gold standard and beyond JB Macedo, BJ Eichengreen, J Reis (No Title), 1996 | 64 | 1996 |
External liberalization with ambiguous public response: the experience of Portugal JB de Macedo Unity with diversity in the European Economy: The Community's southern frontier, 1990 | 63 | 1990 |
Don't fix, don't float: the exchange rate in emerging markets, transition economies and developing countries JB De Macedo, D Cohen, H Reisen OECD, 2001 | 61 | 2001 |
Portfolio diversification across currencies JB De Macedo Economic Growth Center, Yale University, 1979 | 56 | 1979 |
Currency inconvertibility, trade taxes and smuggling JB De Macedo Journal of Development Economics 27 (1-2), 109-125, 1987 | 55 | 1987 |
The European Payments Union: History and implications for the evolution of the international financial architecture B Eichengreen, JB de Macedo Fragility of the International Financial System: How can we prevent new …, 2001 | 53 | 2001 |
The economic consequences of the April 25th revolution P Krugman, JB de Macedo Portugal Since The Revolution, 53-87, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Collective pegging to a single currency: the West African Monetary Union JB De Macedo Economic adjustment and exchange rates in developing countries, 333-368, 1986 | 41 | 1986 |
International portfolio diversification: Short-term financial assets and gold JB De Macedo, J Goldstein, D Meerschwam Exchange Rate Theory and Practice, 199-238, 1984 | 38 | 1984 |
War, taxes and gold: the inheritance of the real JB Macedo, ÁF Silva, RM Martins Universidade Nova de Lisboa-Faculdade de Economia, 1998 | 35 | 1998 |
Optimal currency diversification for a class of risk-averse international investors JB De Macedo Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 5, 173-185, 1983 | 33 | 1983 |
Portugal's European integration: The good student with a bad fiscal constitution J Braga de Macedo South European Society and Politics 8 (1-2), 169-194, 2003 | 32 | 2003 |
Portugal since the revolution: economic and political perspectives JB De Macedo, S Serfaty Routledge, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |