Providing informal care in a changing society MIB van Groenou, A De Boer European Journal of Ageing 13 (3), 271-279, 2016 | 507 | 2016 |
Living arrangements among older people: an overview of trends in Europe and the USA C Tomassini, K Glaser, DA Wolf, MIB van Groenou, E Grundy POPULATION TRENDS-LONDON-, 24-35, 2004 | 351 | 2004 |
Quality of marriages in later life and emotional and social loneliness J de Jong Gierveld, M Broese van Groenou, AW Hoogendoorn, JH Smit Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2009 | 342 | 2009 |
Explaining the gender gap in the caregiving burden of partner caregivers J Swinkels, T Tilburg, E Verbakel, M Broese van Groenou The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 74 (2), 309-317, 2019 | 289 | 2019 |
Explaining the association between educational level and frailty in older adults: results from a 13-year longitudinal study in the Netherlands EO Hoogendijk, HPJ van Hout, MW Heymans, HE van der Horst, ... Annals of epidemiology 24 (7), 538-544. e2, 2014 | 278 | 2014 |
Sex differences in depression after widowhood. Do men suffer more? DS Van Grootheest, ATF Beekman, MI Broese van Groenou, DJH Deeg Social Psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 34 (7), 391-398, 1999 | 265 | 1999 |
The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam: cohort update 2016 and major findings EO Hoogendijk, DJH Deeg, J Poppelaars, M van der Horst, ... European Journal of Epidemiology 31 (9), 927-945, 2016 | 256 | 2016 |
Contacts between elderly parents and their children in four European countries: current patterns and future prospects C Tomassini, S Kalogirou, E Grundy, T Fokkema, P Martikainen, ... European Journal of Ageing 1 (1), 54-63, 2004 | 247 | 2004 |
Differential effects of divorce on social integration M Kalmijn, MB van Groenou Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 22 (4), 455-476, 2005 | 203 | 2005 |
Socio-economic status differences in older people's use of informal and formal help: a comparison of four European countries MB Van Groenou, K Glaser, C Tomassini, T Jacobs Ageing & Society 26 (5), 745-766, 2006 | 184 | 2006 |
Changes in contact and support exchange in personal networks after widowhood M Guiaux, T van Tilburg, M BROESE VAN GROENOU Personal Relationships 14 (3), 457-473, 2007 | 177 | 2007 |
Positive and negative evaluation of caregiving among three different types of informal care relationships MIB van Groenou, A de Boer, J Iedema European Journal of Ageing 10 (4), 301-311, 2013 | 174 | 2013 |
Network size and support in old age: Differentials by socio-economic status in childhood and adulthood MIB Van Groenou, T Van Tilburg Ageing and Society 23 (5), 625-645, 2003 | 173 | 2003 |
Informal and formal home-care use among older adults in Europe: can cross-national differences be explained by societal context and composition? B SUANET, M BROESE VAN GROENOU, T VAN TILBURG Ageing and Society 32 (3), 491, 2012 | 159 | 2012 |
Effects of own and spousal disability on loneliness among older adults M Korporaal, MI Broese van Groenou, TG Van Tilburg Journal of Aging and Health 20 (3), 306-325, 2008 | 149 | 2008 |
Network dynamics in the long-term period after divorce EL Terhell, MI Broese van Groenou, T Van Tilburg Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21 (6), 719-738, 2004 | 139 | 2004 |
Explanations of socioeconomic differences in changes in physical function in older adults: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam A Koster, H Bosma, MI Broese van Groenou, GIJM Kempen, ... BMC Public Health 6 (1), 1-12, 2006 | 125 | 2006 |
The impact of informal care-giving networks on adult children's care-giver burden N Tolkacheva, MB Van Groenou, A De Boer, T Van Tilburg Ageing & Society 31 (1), 34-51, 2011 | 123 | 2011 |
The last 3 months of life: care, transitions and the place of death of older people M Klinkenberg, G Visser, MI Broese van Groenou, G Van Der Wal, ... Health & social care in the community 13 (5), 420-430, 2005 | 123 | 2005 |
Formal and informal social participation of the ‘young-old’in The Netherlands in 1992 and 2002 MB VAN GROENOU, DJH Deeg Ageing & Society 30 (3), 445-465, 2010 | 122 | 2010 |