Jose V. Frances-Villora
Cited by
Cited by
Simplified spiking neural network architecture and STDP learning algorithm applied to image classification
T Iakymchuk, A Rosado-Muñoz, JF Guerrero-Martínez, ...
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2015 (1), 1-11, 2015
Ventricular Fibrillation and Tachycardia detection from surface ECG using time-frequency representation images as input dataset for machine learning
A Mjahad, A Rosado-Muñoz, M Bataller-Mompeán, JV Francés-Víllora, ...
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 141, 119-127, 2017
A high-speed multiplier coprocessor unit based on FPGA
A Rosado, J Calpe, M Bataller, JF Guerrero, JV Frances
Hardware implementation of real-time Extreme Learning Machine in FPGA: analysis of precision, resource occupation and performance
JV Frances-Villora, A Rosado-Muñoz, JM Martínez-Villena, ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering 51, 139-156, 2016
Application of ARMA modeling to the improvement of weight estimations in fruit sorting and grading machinery
JV Frances, J Calpe, M Martinez, A Rosado, AJ Serrano, J Calleja, M Diaz
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2000. ICASSP'00. Proceedings. 2000 …, 2000
Fast spiking neural network architecture for low-cost FPGA devices
T Iakymchuk, A Rosado, JV Frances, M Bataller
Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip (ReCoSoC), 2012 7th …, 2012
STN area detection using K-NN classifiers for MER recordings in Parkinson patients during neurostimulator implant surgery
L Schiaffino, AR Muñoz, JG Martínez, JF Villora, A Gutiérrez, IM Torres
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 705 (1), 012050, 2016
[Book] Tratamiento digital de señales
E Soria, M Martínez, JV Francés, G Camps
Madrid-España. s. edición, 2003
Support Tool for the Combined Software/Hardware Design of On-Chip ELM Training for SLFF Neural Networks
M Bataller-Mompeán, JM Martínez-Villena, A Rosado-Muñoz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (3), 1114-1123, 2016
Feature selection for KNN classifier to improve accurate detection of subthalamic nucleus during deep brain stimulation surgery in Parkinson’s patients
L Schiaffino, AR Muñoz, JF Villora, M Bataller, A Gutiérrez, IM Torres, ...
VII Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2016 …, 2017
Feature selection for KNN classifier to improve accurate detection of subthalamic nucleus during deep brain stimulation surgery in Parkinson's patients
L Schiaffino, A Rosado-Muñoz, J Guerrero Martínez, JV Frances-Villora, ...
VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica (CLAIB 2016), 2016
Enhancing feature extraction for VF detection using data mining techniques
A Rosado, G Camps, J Guerrero, J Francés, J Munoz, A Serrano
The 29th Annual Conference of Computers in Cardiology, 2002
Toll-quality digital secraphone
J Calpe, JR Magdalena, JF Guerrero, JV Frances
Electrotechnical Conference, 1996. MELECON'96., 8th Mediterranean 3, 1714-1717, 1996
High-speed weighing system based on DSP
J Calpe, E Soria, M Martinez, V Frances, A Rosado, L Gomez-Chova, ...
IECON 02 [Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference …, 2002
High performance hardware correlation coefficient assessment using programmable logic for ECG signals
A Rosado, M Bataller, JF Guerrero, J Calpe, JV Francés, JR Magdalena
Microprocessors and Microsystems 27 (1), 33-39, 2003
Versatile Direct and Transpose Matrix Multiplication with Chained Operations: An Optimized Architecture Using Circulant Matrices
T Iakymchuk, A Rosado-Munoz, MB Mompéan, JVF Víllora, EO Osimiry
IEEE Transactions on Computers 65 (11), 3470-3479, 2016
ECG Analysis for Ventricular Fibrillation Detection Using a Boltzmann Network
A Mjahad, A Rosado-Muńoz, J Guerrero-Martínez, M Bataller-Mompeán, ...
VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná …, 2015
Hardware-accelerated spike train generation for neuromorphic image and video processing
T Iakymchuk, A Rosado-Munoz, M Bataller-Mompean, ...
Programmable Logic (SPL), 2014 IX Southern Conference on, 1-6, 2014
Circuitos programables con FPGA - Fundamentos basicos (I)
A Rosado, J Guerrero, M Bataller, J Espi, JV Frances
Mundo Electrónico, 44-48, 1995
Detección de Fibrilación Ventricular Mediante Tiempo-Frecuencia y Clasificador KNN sin Extracción de Parámetros
A Mjahad, AR Muñoz, MB Mompeán, JVF Víllora, JFG Martínez
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial 15 (1), 124-132, 2017
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Articles 1–20