João F. Gonçalves
João F. Gonçalves
Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (CIBIO) - University of Porto
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Cited by
Updated distribution and biogeography of amphibians and reptiles of Europe
N Sillero, J Campos, A Bonardi, C Corti, R Creemers, PA Crochet, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 35 (1), 1-31, 2014
Assessing how green space types affect ecosystem services delivery in Porto, Portugal
M Graça, P Alves, J Gonçalves, DJ Nowak, R Hoehn, P Farinha-Marques, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 170, 195-208, 2018
Projected climate changes are expected to decrease the suitability and production of olive varieties in southern Spain
S Arenas-Castro, JF Gonçalves, M Moreno, R Villar
Science of The Total Environment 709, 136161, 2020
Where will conflicts between alien and rare species occur after climate and land-use change? A test with a novel combined modelling approach
J Vicente, CF Randin, J Gonçalves, MJ Metzger, Â Lomba, J Honrado, ...
Biological Invasions 13 (5), 1209-1227, 2011
Will climate change drive alien invasive plants into areas of high protection value? An improved model-based regional assessment to prioritise the management of invasions
JR Vicente, RF Fernandes, CF Randin, O Broennimann, J Gonçalves, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 131, 185-195, 2013
Environmental stratifications as the basis for national, European and global ecological monitoring
MJ Metzger, DJ Brus, RGH Bunce, PD Carey, J Gonçalves, JP Honrado, ...
Ecological Indicators 33, 26-35, 2013
Ensemble models of habitat suitability relate chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) conservation to forest and landscape dynamics in Western Africa
J Torres, JC Brito, MJ Vasconcelos, L Catarino, J Gonçalves, J Honrado
Biological Conservation 143 (2), 416-425, 2010
Indicator-based assessment of post-fire recovery dynamics using satellite NDVI time-series
T João, G João, M Bruno, H João
Ecological Indicators 89, 199-212, 2018
Analysing carbon sequestration and storage dynamics in a changing mountain landscape in Portugal: insights for management and planning
 Sil, F Fonseca, J Gonçalves, J Honrado, C Marta-Pedroso, J Alonso, ...
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2017
SegOptim—A new R package for optimizing object-based image analyses of high-spatial resolution remotely-sensed data
J Gonçalves, I Pôças, B Marcos, CA Mücher, JP Honrado
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 76 …, 2019
Hyperspectral-based predictive modelling of grapevine water status in the Portuguese Douro wine region
I Pôças, J Gonçalves, PM Costa, I Gonçalves, LS Pereira, M Cunha
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 58 …, 2017
Systematic site selection for multispecies monitoring networks
SB Carvalho, J Gonçalves, A Guisan, JP Honrado
Journal Of Applied Ecology, 2015
Assessing the multi-scale predictive ability of ecosystem functional attributes for species distribution modelling
S Arenas-Castro, J Gonçalves, P Alves, D Alcaraz-Segura, JP Honrado
PLoS One 13 (6), e0199292, 2018
Earth observation and social media: Evaluating the spatiotemporal contribution of non-native trees to cultural ecosystem services
AS Vaz, JF Gonçalves, P Pereira, F Santarém, JR Vicente, JP Honrado
Remote Sensing of Environment 230, 111193, 2019
Evaluating an unmanned aerial vehicle-based approach for assessing habitat extent and condition in fine-scale early successional mountain mosaics
J Gonçalves, R Henriques, P Alves, R Sousa-Silva, AT Monteiro, Â Lomba, ...
Applied Vegetation Science 19 (1), 132-146, 2015
Remotely Sensed Variables of Ecosystem Functioning Support Robust Predictions of Abundance Patterns for Rare Species
S Arenas-Castro, A Regos, JF Gonçalves, D Alcaraz-Segura, J Honrado
Remote Sensing 11 (18), 2086, 2019
Ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation under forestation scenarios: options to improve management in the Vez watershed, NW Portugal
C Carvalho-Santos, R Sousa-Silva, JF Gonçalves, JP Honrado
Regional Environmental Change 16 (6), 1557-1570, 2015
Landscape context determinants to plant diversity in the permanent meadows of Southern European Alps
AT Monteiro, F Fava, J Gonçalves, A Huete, F Gusmeroli, G Parolo, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (4), 937-958, 2013
Environment and dispersal paths override life strategies and residence time in determining regional patterns of invasion by alien plants
JR Vicente, HM Pereira, CF Randin, J Gonçalves, A Lomba, P Alves, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 16 (1), 1-10, 2014
Evaluating the fitness for use of spatial data sets to promote quality in ecological assessment and monitoring
I Pôças, J Gonçalves, B Marcos, J Alonso, P Castro, JP Honrado
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (11), 2356-2371, 2014
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Articles 1–20