Sinhwa Kang
Sinhwa Kang
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“It doesn’t matter what you are!” Explaining social effects of agents and avatars
AM Von der Pütten, NC Krämer, J Gratch, SH Kang
Computers in Human Behavior 26 (6), 1641-1650, 2010
Virtual humans elicit socially anxious interactants' verbal self‐disclosure
SH Kang, J Gratch
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 21 (3‐4), 473-482, 2010
The impact of avatar realism and anonymity on effective communication via mobile devices
SH Kang, JH Watt
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (3), 1169-1181, 2013
Does the contingency of agents' nonverbal feedback affect users' social anxiety?
SH Kang, J Gratch, N Wang, JH Watt
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008
Exploring users’ social responses to computer counseling interviewers’ behavior
SH Kang, J Gratch
Computers in Human Behavior 34, 120-130, 2014
Using social agents to explore theories of rapport and emotional resonance
J Gratch, SH Kang, N Wang
Social emotions in nature and artifact 181 (10.5555), 2568173, 2013
Towards building a virtual counselor: modeling nonverbal behavior during intimate self-disclosure
SH Kang, J Gratch, C Sidner, R Artstein, L Huang, LP Morency
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2012
People like virtual counselors that highly-disclose about themselves
SH Kang, J Gratch
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2011, 143-148, 2011
Communicators' perceptions of social presence as a function of avatar realism in small display mobile communication devices
SH Kang, JH Watt, SK Ala
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
Agreeable people like agreeable virtual humans
SH Kang, J Gratch, N Wang, JH Watt
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 8th International Conference, IVA 2008, Tokyo …, 2008
Investigation of the physiological differences in the immersive virtual reality environment and real indoor environment: Focused on skin temperature and thermal sensation
D Yeom, JH Choi, SH Kang
Building and Environment 154, 44-54, 2019
Socially anxious people reveal more personal information with virtual counselors that talk about themselves using intimate human back stories
SH Kang, J Gratch
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012, 202-206, 2012
It’s in their eyes: A study on female and male virtual humans’ gaze
P Kulms, NC Krämer, J Gratch, SH Kang
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2011 …, 2011
Motion recognition of self and others on realistic 3D avatars
S Narang, A Best, A Feng, S Kang, D Manocha, A Shapiro
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 28 (3-4), e1762, 2017
Multimodal analysis and estimation of intimate self-disclosure
M Soleymani, K Stefanov, SH Kang, J Ondras, J Gratch
2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 59-68, 2019
Social copresence in anonymous social interactions using a mobile video telephone
SH Kang, JH Watt, SK Ala
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2008
The effect of an animated virtual character on mobile chat interactions
SH Kang, AW Feng, A Leuski, D Casas, A Shapiro
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2015
Three angry men: An augmented-reality experiment in point-of-view drama
B MacIntyre, JD Bolter, J Vaughn, B Hannigan, M Gandy, E Moreno, ...
Proc. International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital …, 2003
Understanding the nonverbal behavior of socially anxious people during intimate self-disclosure
SH Kang, A Rizzo, J Gratch
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 12th International Conference, IVA 2012, Santa …, 2012
Advancing ethical decision making in virtual reality
S Kang, J Chanenson, P Ghate, P Cowal, M Weaver, DM Krum
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 1008-1009, 2019
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