Carlos Miguel Afonso
Carlos Miguel Afonso
Professor Adjunto da Universidade do Algarve, CITUR
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Citado por
The moderator role of Gender in the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): A study on users of Electronic Document Management Systems.
CM Afonso, JL Roldán, M Sánchez-Franco, MO Gonzalez
7th International Conference on Partial Least Squares and Related Methods …, 2012
Capital structure of portuguese hotel firms: a structural equation modelling approach
F Matias, L Salsa, CM Afonso
Tourism & Management Studies 14 (No 1), 73-82, 2018
EDMS use in local E-government: An analysis of the path from extent of use to overall performance
CM Afonso, A Schwarz, JL Roldán, MJ Sánchez-Franco
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 11 (2), 18-34, 2015
Promoting Sustainability through Regional Food and Wine Pairing.
M Serra, N Antonio, C Henriques, CM Afonso
Sustainability 13, 13759, 2021
Determinants of User Acceptance of a Local E-Government Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).
CM Afonso, M González, JL Roldán, M Sánchez-Franco
12th European Conference on eGovernment, Barcelona., 2012
Healthy, Tasty and Sustainable Mediterranean Food. UMAMI Taste and Polyphenols of Twiggy Glasswort (Salicornia ramosissima)
A Guerreiro, C Rassal, CM Afonso, L Galego, M Serra, MA Rodrigues
INCREaSE: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Engineering and …, 2018
Real-Time Delphi questionnaire development at LimeSurvey: a Design Science Research approach
CM Afonso, M Serra, CM Almeida, N António
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2021
Analysis of Portugal´ s Wine Certifying Entities' Social Networks as Communication Channels
CM Almeida, CM Afonso, M Serra, N Antonio
Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making, 121-160, 2023
Development of an online holistic standardized recipe: a design science approach
D Silvestre, M Serra, CM Afonso, E Pinto, CM de Almeida
Sustainability 14 (9), 5330, 2022
EDMS use in local e-government: extent of use and overall performance mediated by routinization and infusion
CM Afonso, A Schwarz, JL Roldán Salgueiro, MJ Sánchez Franco
Turismo científico em regiões turísticas de sol e mar: Contributos para um roteiro metodológico de investigação na região do Algarve (portugal)
C Henriques-Nunes, CM Afonso, L Varela, S Mira, L Azevedo-Rodrigues
Gestión Turística, 9-28, 2023
The presence of Algarve wine producers on facebook between pre-covid-19 and covid-19 periods
CMR Almeida
O impacto organizacional e social da inteligência artificial
FP Belfo, P Resende da Silva, CM Afonso
Edições Sílabo, 2022
Política de turismo em contexto de mudanças climáticas: A ótica dos stakeholders para a Amazônia Brasileira
C Henriques, J Corá, CM Afonso
INVTUR Proceedings, 879-904, 2024
Hotelaria e vinho: Uma análise bibliométrica
D Cabeça, M Serra, CM Afonso
THIJ - Tourism and Hospitality International Journal 23 (35ª), 6-26, 2024
The presence of Algarve wine producers on Facebook between pre-covid-19 and covid-19 periods
CM de Almeida, CM Afonso, M Serra, N António
THIJ – Tourism and Hospitality International Journal 22 (1), 27-62, 2024
Criação de uma ficha técnica holística de comidas online: Uma abordagem Design Science Research
D Silvestre, M Serra, CM Afonso
Hospitality and its integration in regional cultural dynamics. New challenges in the Algarve Region
MCF Vieira, CHN Henriques, CM Afonso
TMS Algarve 2022, 2022
Online Holistic Standardized Recipe Development with Design Science Research
D Silvestre, M Serra, CM Afonso, E Pinto, CM Almeida
TMS Algarve 2022, 2022
Promovendo a sustentabilidade através de um modelo de maridagens de gastronomia e vinhos do Algarve
M Serra, N António, C Henriques, C Afonso
TMS Algarve 2022, 2022
O sistema não pode efectuar a operação agora. Tente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20