Remus Gabriel Anghel
Cited by
Cited by
The making of world society. Perspectives from transnational research
RG Anghel, E Gerharz, G Rescher, M Salzbrunn, T Faist, G Lachenmann, ...
transcript, 2008
Sociologia migrației. Teorii și studii de caz românești
RG Anghel, I Horváth, D Diminescu, R Brubaker, B Michalon, J Fox, ...
Romanians in Western Europe: Migration, status dilemmas and transnational connections
RG Anghel
Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books), 2013
Changing statuses. Freedom of movement, locality and transnationality of irregular Romanian migrants in Milan
RG Anghel
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34 (5), 787-802, 2008
Transnational return and social change. Hierarchies, identities and ideas
RG Anghel, M Fauser, P Boccagni, O Oltean, L Kandilige, G Adiku, ...
Anthem Press, 2019
International migration, return migration, and their effects: a comprehensive review on the Romanian case
RG Anghel, A Botezat, A Coșciug, I Manafi, M Roman
IZA Discussion Paper, 2017
Migration and its consequences for Romania
I Horváth, RG Anghel
Comparative Southeast European Studies 57 (4), 386-403, 2009
Migration in differentiated localities: changing statuses and ethnic relations in a multi‐ethnic locality in Transylvania, Romania
RG Anghel
Population, Space and Place 22 (4), 356-366, 2016
Patterns and mechanisms of return migration to Romania
R Anghel, A Coșciug
Patterns and Mechanisms of Return Migration to Romania. In book: Remigration …, 2019
Migrants’ remittances: channelling globalization
RG Anghel, M Piracha, T Randazzo
Handbook of the international political economy of migration, 234-258, 2015
On successfulness: how national models of integration policies shape migrants’ incorporation
RG Anghel
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 10 (3), 319-337, 2012
Schimbare socială sau dezvoltare? Studiu de caz într-un oraş din România
RG Anghel
Social change or development, 249-267, 2009
Modele de convieţuire în Ardeal. Zăbala
F Pozsony, RG Anghel, VM Anăstăsoaie, M Palada, SK Mirk, V Keszeg, ...
Asociţia Etnografică Kriza János, 1999
Introduction to the special issue: debating immigration in a country of emigration
RG Anghel, A Coșciug
Social Change Review 16 (1-2), 3-8, 2018
Come hanno fatto i rumeni ad arrivare in Italia
RG Anghel
Colombo, Asher und Sciortino, Giuseppe: Stranieri in Italia. Trent’anni dopo …, 2008
When the poor migrate and return: Class and status repositioning among Roma transnational returnees
RG Anghel
Transnational Return and Social Change. Hierarchies, Identities and Ideas, 25-42, 2019
From irregular migrants to fellow Europeans: Changes in Romanian migratory flows
RG Anghel
Foggy Social Structures, 23, 2011
Migraţia şi problemele ei: perspectiva transnaţională ca o nouă modalitate de analiză a etnicităţii şi schimbării sociale în România
RG Anghel
ISPMN Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, 2008
Un veac frământat. Germanii din România după 1918 (ediţia a 2-a)
O Traşcă, RG Anghel, V Ciobanu, F Kührer-Wielach, H Baier, ...
Editura ISPMN, 2019
Milano Centrale. Status ilegal, pieţe de muncă şi practici transnaţionale la migranţii români din Milano
RG Anghel
Sociologie Romaneasca 3 (2), 174-194, 2005
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Articles 1–20