Shopping as a Social Problem: A Grounded Theoretical Analysis of Experiences among Romanian Shoppers PC Jobes, A Aldea, C Cernat, IM Icolisan, G Iordache, S Lazeru, C Stoica, ... Journal of Applied Sociology, 124-146, 1996 | 6 | 1996 |
Using the constant comparative method in the foreign classroom: Shopping as a social problem in Romania PC Jobes, A Aldea, C Cernat, IM Icolisan, G Iordache, S Lazeru, C Stoica, ... Teaching sociology, 292-302, 1997 | 5 | 1997 |
Partnership and trust building E Udangiu Soc. & Soc. Work Rev. 1, 35, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Multiculturality and the management of differences EE Udangiu Cross-Cultural Management Journal 18 (01), 31-34, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Ideology, narrative and the soft power EE Udangiu Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, 11-17, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Tendential Modernity E Udangiu Soc. & Soc. Work Rev. 7, 146, 2023 | | 2023 |
Constantin Schifirneț, Tendential Modernity–Reflexions on Modern Evolution of the Society, Editura Tritonic, București, 2016, 201 p. EE Udangiu Sociologie Romānească 14 (02+ 03), 181-183, 2016 | | 2016 |
Constantin Schifirneţ, Modernitatea tendenţială–Reflecţii despre evoluţia modernă a societăţii, Editura Tritonic, Bucureşti, 2016, 201 p. E Udangiu Sociologie Romānească 14 (2-3), 181-183, 2016 | | 2016 |
From individual to state: levels of analysis EE Udangiu Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, 12-21, 2016 | | 2016 |
Trans-Disciplinary Vocation of the Triadic Themata EE Udangiu SEA–Practical Application of Science 3 (08), 7-11, 2015 | | 2015 |
Creativity and the presures of contemporary world EE Udangiu Network Intelligence Studies 2 (04), 305-308, 2014 | | 2014 |
Policy and the Narrative of the “Third Way” EE Udangiu Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, 94-102, 2014 | | 2014 |
De-crystallization: from the Anthem of Punks to the Official Conviction of the Communism EE Udangiu Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, 76-79, 2012 | | 2012 |
An Approach of the Complexity: The Dialogic Ego–Alter and the “Glocalisation” EE Udangiu International Journal on Humanistic Ideology, 125-133, 2012 | | 2012 |
Globalizare și responsabilitate corporativă EE Udangiu Revista de Științe Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques, 161-165, 2011 | | 2011 |
A Comparative Perspective on the Methods Used by Romanian and Norwegian Priests in the Communitarian Development of the Rural Areas E Udangiu, D Radut Rev. Universitara Sociologie, 146, 2010 | | 2010 |
A Comparative Perspective on the Methods Used by Romanian and Norwegian Priests in the Communitarian Development of the Rural Areas (Romanian Text) E Udangiu, D Radut Rev. Universitara Sociologie, 139, 2010 | | 2010 |
Globalized Corporation: Value and Image Change (Romanian Text) E Udangiu Rev. Universitara Sociologie, 136, 2010 | | 2010 |
Globalized Corporation: Value and Image Change E Udangiu Rev. Universitara Sociologie, 140, 2010 | | 2010 |
Cunoaştere şi acţiune-paradoxele raţionalităţii E Udangiu Universitaria, 2009 | | 2009 |