Irina Macsinga
Irina Macsinga
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" Give me a break!" A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of micro-breaks for increasing well-being and performance
P Albulescu, I Macsinga, A Rusu, C Sulea, A Bodnaru, BT Tulbure
Plos one 17 (8), e0272460, 2022
Engaged, committed and helpful employees: The role of psychological empowerment
I Macsinga, C Sulea, P Sârbescu, G Fischmann, C Dumitru
The Journal of psychology 149 (3), 263-276, 2015
Carbon mitigation in domains of high consumer lock-in
D Ivanova, G Vita, R Wood, C Lausselet, A Dumitru, K Krause, I Macsinga, ...
Global Environmental Change 52, 117-130, 2018
An inkblot for the implicit assessment of personality: The semantic misattribution procedure
FA Sava, LΤP MaricuΤoiu, S Rusu, I Macsinga, D Vîrgă, CM Cheng, ...
European Journal of Personality 26 (6), 613-628, 2012
Implicit and explicit self-esteem and irrational beliefs
FA Sava, LP Maricutoiu, S Rusu, I Macsinga, D Virga
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies 11 (1), 97-111, 2011
Evaluarea personalității din perspectiva modelului Big Five. Date privind adaptarea chestionarului IPIP-50 pe un eșantion de studenți români
S Rusu, LP Maricuțoiu, I Macsinga, D Vîrgă, FA Sava
Psihologia resurselor umane 10 (1), 39-56, 2012
Motivational and cognitive variables with impact on academic performance Preliminary study
R Paloş, A Munteanu, I Costea, I Macsinga
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 15, 138-142, 2011
Personality, relationship conflict, and teamwork-related mental models
D Vîrgă, PL CurŞeu, L Maricuţoiu, FA Sava, I Macsinga, S Măgurean
Plos one 9 (11), e110223, 2014
The five-factor traits as moderators between job insecurity and health: A vulnerability-stress perspective
D Iliescu, I Macsinga, C Sulea, G Fischmann, T Vander Elst, H De Witte
Career Development International 22 (4), 399-418, 2017
More educated, less irrational: Gender and educational differences in perfectionism and irrationality
I Macsinga, O Dobrita
Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology 12 (2), 79-85, 2010
Adaptation and validation of the contingencies of self-worth scale on a Romanian student sample
LP Maricutoiu, I Macsinga, S Rusu, D VÎrga, FA Sava
Cognition, Brain, Behavior 16 (1), 121, 2012
The relation between explanatory style, locus of control and self-esteem in a sample of university students
I Macsinga, I Nemeti
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 33, 25-29, 2012
Psihologia diferenţială a personalităţii: curs
I Macsinga
Tipografia Universităţii de Vest, 2000
Actualizarea de sine: de la starea de bine la viziunea asupra lumii.
OI Tudorel, I Macsinga, D Vîrgă
Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology 15 (1), 2013
The dynamic interplay of anxious and depressive symptoms in a sample of undergraduate students
S Marian, G Costantini, I Macsinga, FA Sava
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 45 (1), 150-159, 2023
The mediation role of an individual’s and couple’s psychological factors, including parenting in the prediction of relational and marital satisfaction
R Chiș, S Ignat, D Rad, I Macsinga
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (17), 11011, 2022
Social representations of governance for change towards sustainability: perspectives of sustainability advocates
A Fischer, W Spekkink, C Polzin, A Díaz-Ayude, A Brizi, I Macsinga
Environmental Politics 27 (4), 621-643, 2018
Psihologia diferentiala a personalitatii
I Macsinga
Editura Mirton, Timisoara, 2003
Evaluating the outcomes of" Resilient left-behind children"--A social-emotional learning and mindfulness group counseling program.
L Tripa, FA Sava, R Paloş, S Măgurean, I Macsinga
Cognition, Brain, Behavior 25 (1), 2021
Romanian adolescents’ lay theory on mental illness
I Macsinga
Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies 11 (2), 237-252, 2011
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