Armando Vieira
Armando Vieira
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Applications of deep learning in biomedicine
P Mamoshina, A Vieira, E Putin, A Zhavoronkov
Molecular pharmaceutics 13 (5), 1445-1454, 2016
Clustering and visualization of bankruptcy trajectory using self-organizing map
N Chen, B Ribeiro, A Vieira, A Chen
Expert systems with applications 40 (1), 385-393, 2013
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm using neural networks to approximate fitness evaluations.
A Gaspar-Cunha, A Vieira
Int. J. Comput. Syst. Signals 6 (1), 18-36, 2005
Improving bankruptcy prediction with hidden layer learning vector quantization
JC Neves, A Vieira
European Accounting Review 15 (2), 253-271, 2006
Enhanced default risk models with SVM+
B Ribeiro, C Silva, N Chen, A Vieira, JC das Neves
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (11), 10140-10152, 2012
A genetic algorithm-based approach to cost-sensitive bankruptcy prediction
N Chen, B Ribeiro, AS Vieira, J Duarte, JC Neves
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (10), 12939-12945, 2011
Predicting online user behaviour using deep learning algorithms
A Vieira
arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.06247, 2015
Pt redistribution during Ni (Pt) silicide formation
J Demeulemeester, D Smeets, C Van Bockstael, C Detavernier, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (26), 2008
The link between nitrous oxide emissions, microbial community profile and function from three full-scale WWTPs
A Vieira, CF Galinha, A Oehmen, G Carvalho
Science of the total environment 651, 2460-2472, 2019
How banks can better serve their customers through artificial techniques
A Vieira, A Sehgal
Digital marketplaces unleashed, 311-326, 2017
Artificial neural network algorithm for analysis of Rutherford backscattering data
NP Barradas, A Vieira
Physical Review E 62 (4), 5818, 2000
Acute cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses during resistance exercise in the lactate threshold intensity
NMF De Sousa, RF Magosso, GB Pereira, MVC Souza, A Vieira, ...
International journal of sports medicine 33 (02), 108-113, 2012
A Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Using an Inverse Neural Network.
A Gaspar-Cunha, A Vieira
Hybrid Metaheuristics, 25-30, 2004
Hybrid process of coagulation/flocculation with Moringa oleifera followed by ultrafiltration to remove Microcystis sp. cells from water supply
L Nishi, AMS Vieira, MF Vieira, M Bongiovani, FP Camacho, ...
Procedia Engineering 42, 865-872, 2012
Artificial neural networks for instantaneous analysis of real-time Rutherford backscattering spectra
J Demeulemeester, D Smeets, NP Barradas, A Vieira, CM Comrie, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2010
A training algorithm for classification of high-dimensional data
A Vieira, N Barradas
Neurocomputing 50, 461-472, 2003
Financial distress model prediction using SVM+
B Ribeiro, C Silva, A Vieira, A Gaspar-Cunha, JC das Neves
The 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2010
Surface properties of doped and undoped TiO2 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering
JO Carneiro, V Teixeira, AJ Martins, M Mendes, M Ribeiro, A Vieira
Vacuum 83 (10), 1303-1306, 2009
Extracting discriminative features using non-negative matrix factorization in financial distress data
B Ribeiro, C Silva, A Vieira, J Neves
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: 9th International Conference …, 2009
Stepwise strategy to improve cervical cancer screening adherence (SCAN-Cervical Cancer)–Automated text messages, phone calls and reminders: Population based randomized …
J Firmino-Machado, S Varela, R Mendes, A Moreira, N Lunet, A Carmo, ...
Preventive medicine 114, 123-133, 2018
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Articles 1–20