Yolanda Pueyo
Yolanda Pueyo
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología - CSIC
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Spatial vegetation patterns and imminent desertification in Mediterranean arid ecosystems
S Kéfi, M Rietkerk, CL Alados, Y Pueyo, VP Papanastasis, A ElAich, ...
Nature 449 (7159), 213-217, 2007
Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands
FT Maestre, Y Le Bagousse-Pinguet, M Delgado-Baquerizo, DJ Eldridge, ...
Science 378 (6622), 915-920, 2022
Dryness is accelerating degradation of vulnerable shrublands in semiarid Mediterranean environments
SM Vicente-Serrano, A Zouber, T Lasanta, Y Pueyo
Ecological Monographs 82 (4), 407-428, 2012
Variations in landscape patterns and vegetation cover between 1957 and 1994 in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem
CL Alados, Y Pueyo, O Barrantes, J Escós, L Giner, AB Robles
Landscape ecology 19 (5), 543-559, 2004
Modelling the rate of secondary succession after farmland abandonment in a Mediterranean mountain area
Y Pueyo, S Beguería
Landscape and Urban Planning 83 (4), 245-254, 2007
Dispersal strategies and spatial organization of vegetation in arid ecosystems
Y Pueyo, S Kéfi, CL Alados, M Rietkerk
Oikos 117 (10), 1522-1532, 2008
Quantitative characterization of the regressive ecological succession by fractal analysis of plant spatial patterns
CL Alados, Y Pueyo, ML Giner, T Navarro, J Escos, F Barroso, ...
Ecological Modelling 163 (1-2), 1-17, 2003
Is the analysis of plant community structure better than common species-diversity indices for assessing the effects of livestock grazing on a Mediterranean arid ecosystem?
Y Pueyo, CL Alados, C Ferrer-Benimeli
Journal of Arid Environments 64 (4), 698-712, 2006
Effects of fragmentation, abiotic factors and land use on vegetation recovery in a semi-arid Mediterranean area
Y Pueyo, CL Alados
Basic and Applied Ecology 8 (2), 158-170, 2007
A comparison of simultaneous autoregressive and generalized least squares models for dealing with spatial autocorrelation
S Beguería, Y Pueyo
Global Ecology and Biogeography 18 (3), 273-279, 2009
Relationships between plant spatial patterns, water infiltration capacity, and plant community composition in semi-arid Mediterranean ecosystems along stress gradients
Y Pueyo, D Moret-Fernández, H Saiz, CG Bueno, CL Alados
Ecosystems 16, 452-466, 2013
Evidence of structural balance in spatial ecological networks
H Saiz, J Gómez‐Gardeñes, P Nuche, A Girón, Y Pueyo, CL Alados
Ecography 40 (6), 733-741, 2017
Self-organized spatial patterns of vegetation in alpine grasslands
CL Alados, A El Aich, B Komac, Y Pueyo, R García-Gonzalez
Ecological Modelling 201 (2), 233-242, 2007
Comparing direct abiotic amelioration and facilitation as tools for restoration of semiarid grasslands
Y Pueyo, CL Alados, B García‐Ávila, S Kéfi, M Maestro, M Rietkerk
Restoration Ecology 17 (6), 908-916, 2009
Differences in gypsum plant communities associated with habitat fragmentation and livestock grazing
Y Pueyo, CL Alados, O Barrantes, B Komac, M Rietkerk
Ecological Applications 18 (4), 954-964, 2008
Fractal analysis of plant spatial patterns: a monitoring tool for vegetation transition shifts
CL Alados, Y Pueyo, D Navas, B Cabezudo, A Gonzalez, DC Freeman
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 1453-1468, 2005
Gypsophile vegetation patterns under a range of soil properties induced by topographical position
Y Pueyo, CL Alados, M Maestro, B Komac
Plant Ecology 189, 301-311, 2007
Abiotic factors determining vegetation patterns in a semi-arid Mediterranean landscape: different responses on gypsum and non-gypsum substrates
Y Pueyo, CL Alados
Journal of Arid Environments 69 (3), 490-505, 2007
Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally
MD Smith, KD Wilkins, MC Holdrege, P Wilfahrt, SL Collins, AK Knapp, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (4), e2309881120, 2024
Plant–plant interactions as a mechanism structuring plant diversity in a Mediterranean semi‐arid ecosystem
AI Arroyo, Y Pueyo, H Saiz, CL Alados
Ecology and Evolution 5 (22), 5305-5317, 2015
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Articles 1–20