Simon J. L. Billinge
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PDFfit2 and PDFgui: computer programs for studying nanostructure in crystals
CL Farrow, P Juhas, JW Liu, D Bryndin, ES Božin, J Bloch, T Proffen, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (33), 335219, 2007
Underneath the Bragg peaks: structural analysis of complex materials
T Egami, SJL Billinge
Elsevier, 2003
PDFgetX3: a rapid and highly automatable program for processing powder diffraction data into total scattering pair distribution functions
P Juhás, T Davis, CL Farrow, SJL Billinge
Journal of applied crystallography 46 (2), 560-566, 2013
PDFgetX2: a GUI-driven program to obtain the pair distribution function from X-ray powder diffraction data
X Qiu, JW Thompson, SJL Billinge
Journal of Applied Crystallography 37 (4), 678-678, 2004
Structures of the ferroelectric phases of barium titanate
GH Kwei, AC Lawson, SJL Billinge, SW Cheong
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 (10), 2368-2377, 1993
The problem with determining atomic structure at the nanoscale
SJL Billinge, I Levin
science 316 (5824), 561-565, 2007
Powder diffraction: theory and practice
RE Dinnebier, SJL Billinge
Royal society of chemistry, 2015
Rapid-acquisition pair distribution function (RA-PDF) analysis
PJ Chupas, X Qiu, JC Hanson, PL Lee, CP Grey, SJL Billinge
Journal of Applied Crystallography 36 (6), 1342-1347, 2003
Synthesis and characterization of two-dimensional Nb 4 C 3 (MXene)
M Ghidiu, M Naguib, C Shi, O Mashtalir, LM Pan, B Zhang, J Yang, ...
Chemical communications 50 (67), 9517-9520, 2014
Underneath the Bragg peaks: structural analysis of complex materials
T Egami, SJL Billinge
Newnes, 2012
PDFFIT, a program for full profile structural refinement of the atomic pair distribution function
T Proffen, SJL Billinge
Journal of Applied Crystallography 32 (3), 572-575, 1999
Recent advances and applications of deep learning methods in materials science
K Choudhary, B DeCost, C Chen, A Jain, F Tavazza, R Cohn, CW Park, ...
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 59, 2022
Direct Observation of Lattice Polaron Formation in the Local Structure of
SJL Billinge, RG DiFrancesco, GH Kwei, JJ Neumeier, JD Thompson
Physical Review Letters 77 (4), 715, 1996
Structure of V2O5⊙ n H2O Xerogel Solved by the Atomic Pair Distribution Function Technique
V Petkov, PN Trikalitis, ES Bozin, SJL Billinge, T Vogt, MG Kanatzidis
Journal of the American Chemical Society 124 (34), 10157-10162, 2002
Control of electronic properties of 2D carbides (MXenes) by manipulating their transition metal layers
B Anasori, C Shi, EJ Moon, Y Xie, CA Voigt, PRC Kent, SJ May, ...
Nanoscale Horizons 1 (3), 227-234, 2016
Beyond crystallography: the study of disorder, nanocrystallinity and crystallographically challenged materials with pair distribution functions
SJL Billinge, MG Kanatzidis
Chemical communications, 749-760, 2004
Nature of activated manganese oxide for oxygen evolution
M Huynh, C Shi, SJL Billinge, DG Nocera
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (47), 14887-14904, 2015
Textural mesoporosity and the catalytic activity of mesoporous molecular sieves with wormhole framework structures
TR Pauly, Y Liu, TJ Pinnavaia, SJL Billinge, TP Rieker
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (38), 8835-8842, 1999
Entropically stabilized local dipole formation in lead chalcogenides
ES Božin, CD Malliakas, P Souvatzis, T Proffen, NA Spaldin, ...
Science 330 (6011), 1660-1663, 2010
Complex modeling: a strategy and software program for combining multiple information sources to solve ill posed structure and nanostructure inverse problems
P Juhás, C Farrow, X Yang, K Knox, S Billinge
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 71 (6), 562-568, 2015
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Articles 1–20