Anton Vrieling
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Cited by
Satellite remote sensing for water erosion assessment: A review
A Vrieling
Catena 65 (1), 2-18, 2006
Assessing drought probability for agricultural areas in Africa with coarse resolution remote sensing imagery
O Rojas, A Vrieling, F Rembold
Remote sensing of Environment 115 (2), 343-352, 2011
Vegetation phenology from Sentinel-2 and field cameras for a Dutch barrier island
A Vrieling, M Meroni, R Darvishzadeh, AK Skidmore, T Wang, ...
Remote sensing of environment 215, 517-529, 2018
Preparing for an interdisciplinary future: A perspective from early-career researchers
H Bridle, A Vrieling, M Cardillo, Y Araya, L Hinojosa
Futures 53, 22-32, 2013
Length of growing period over Africa: Variability and trends from 30 years of NDVI time series
A Vrieling, J De Leeuw, MY Said
Remote sensing 5 (2), 982-1000, 2013
Impacts of extreme weather on wheat and maize in France: evaluating regional crop simulations against observed data
M van der Velde, FN Tubiello, A Vrieling, F Bouraoui
Climatic Change 113 (3), 751-765, 2011
The potential and uptake of remote sensing in insurance: a review
J de Leeuw, A Vrieling, A Shee, C Atzberger, KM Hadgu, CM Biradar, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (11), 10888-10912, 2014
The response of African land surface phenology to large scale climate oscillations
ME Brown, K de Beurs, A Vrieling
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (10), 2286-2296, 2010
Timing of erosion and satellite data: A multi-resolution approach to soil erosion risk mapping
A Vrieling, SM de Jong, G Sterk, SC Rodrigues
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 10 (3 …, 2008
Satellite-based estimation of rainfall erosivity for Africa
A Vrieling, G Sterk, SM de Jong
Journal of hydrology 395 (3-4), 235-241, 2010
Phenology of short vegetation cycles in a Kenyan rangeland from PlanetScope and Sentinel-2
Y Cheng, A Vrieling, F Fava, M Meroni, M Marshall, S Gachoki
Remote sensing of environment 248, 112004, 2020
Migration and environment in Ghana: a cross-district analysis of human mobility and vegetation dynamics
K Van der Geest, A Vrieling, T Dietz
Environment and Urbanization 22 (1), 107–124, 2010
Comparing land surface phenology of major European crops as derived from SAR and multispectral data of Sentinel-1 and-2
M Meroni, R d'Andrimont, A Vrieling, D Fasbender, G Lemoine, ...
Remote sensing of environment 253, 112232, 2021
Variability of African farming systems from phenological analysis of NDVI time series
A Vrieling, KM de Beurs, ME Brown
Climatic Change 109 (3-4), 455-477, 2011
Automatic identification of erosion gullies with ASTER imagery in the Brazilian Cerrados
A Vrieling, SC Rodrigues, H Bartholomeus, G Sterk
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (12), 2723-2738, 2007
Mapping leaf chlorophyll content from Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data in spruce stands using the invertible forest reflectance model
R Darvishzadeh, A Skidmore, H Abdullah, E Cherenet, A Ali, T Wang, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 79, 58-70, 2019
Neural networks as a tool for constructing continuous NDVI time series from AVHRR and MODIS
ME Brown, DJ Lary, A Vrieling, D Stathakis, H Mussa
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (24), 7141-7158, 2008
Towards large-scale monitoring of soil erosion in Africa: Accounting for the dynamics of rainfall erosivity
A Vrieling, JCB Hoedjes, M van der Velde
Global and Planetary Change 115, 33-43, 2014
Spatial evaluation of soil erosion risk in the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
A Vrieling, G Sterk, O Vigiak
Land Degradation & Development 17 (3), 301-319, 2006
Erosion risk mapping: a methodological case study in the Colombian Eastern Plains
A Vrieling, G Sterk, N Beaulieu
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57 (3), 158-163, 2002
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Articles 1–20