Baptist Vandersmissen
Baptist Vandersmissen
Data Scientist at Robovision, previously Ghent University
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Cited by
Indoor person identification using a low-power FMCW radar
B Vandersmissen, N Knudde, A Jalalvand, I Couckuyt, A Bourdoux, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (7), 3941-3952, 2018
Multimedia lab@ acl wnut ner shared task: Named entity recognition for twitter microposts using distributed word representations
F Godin, B Vandersmissen, W De Neve, R Van de Walle
Proceedings of the workshop on noisy user-generated text, 146-153, 2015
Indoor human activity recognition using high-dimensional sensors and deep neural networks
B Vandersmissen, N Knudde, A Jalalvand, I Couckuyt, T Dhaene, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 12295-12309, 2020
Towards Twitter hashtag recommendation using distributed word representations and a deep feed forward neural network
A Tomar, F Godin, B Vandersmissen, W De Neve, R Van De Walle
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2014
Indoor tracking of multiple persons with a 77 GHz MIMO FMCW radar
N Knudde, B Vandersmissen, K Parashar, I Couckuyt, A Jalalvand, ...
2017 European Radar Conference (EURAD), 61-64, 2017
Automated assessment of bone age using deep learning and Gaussian process regression
T Van Steenkiste, J Ruyssinck, O Janssens, B Vandersmissen, ...
2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2018
Beating the bookmakers: leveraging statistics and Twitter microposts for predicting soccer results
F Godin, J Zuallaert, B Vandersmissen, W De Neve, R Van de Walle
KDD Workshop on large-scale sports analytics, 2-14, 2014
Automated detection of offensive language behavior on social networking sites
B Vandersmissen
Radar signal processing for human identification by means of reservoir computing networks
A Jalalvand, B Vandersmissen, W De Neve, E Mannens
2019 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 1-6, 2019
The rise of mobile and social short-form video: an in-depth measurement study of vine
B Vandersmissen, F Godin, A Tomar, W De Neve, R Van de Walle
Workshop on Social Multimedia and Storytelling (SoMuS 2014) 1198, 1-10, 2014
Investigating the significance of adversarial attacks and their relation to interpretability for radar-based human activity recognition systems
U Ozbulak, B Vandersmissen, A Jalalvand, I Couckuyt, A Van Messem, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 202, 103111, 2021
What are we missing? An empirical exploration in the structural biases of hashtag-based sampling on Twitter
E D'heer, B Vandersmissen, W De Neve, P Verdegem, R Van de Walle
First Monday, 2017
Alleviating manual feature engineering for part-of-speech tagging of twitter microposts using distributed word representations
F Godin, B Vandersmissen, A Jalalvand, W De Neve, R Van de Walle
Workshop on Modern Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing, NIPS 68, 2014
Wesley De Neve, and Rik Van de Walle. 2015. Named entity recognition for twitter microposts using distributed word representations
F Godin, B Vandersmissen
Proceedings of ACL-IJCNLP, 2015
Structured inference networks using high-dimensional sensors for surveillance purposes
V Polfliet, N Knudde, B Vandersmissen, I Couckuyt, T Dhaene
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 19th International Conference …, 2018
Ghent University-iMinds at MediaEval 2013 Diverse Images: Relevance-Based Hierarchical Clustering
B Vandersmissen, A Tomar, F Godin, W De Neve, R Van de Walle
Multimedia Benchmark Workshop (MediaEval 2013) 1043, 2013
Spatio-temporal wardrobe generation of actors’ clothing in video content
F Vandecasteele, J Vervaeke, B Vandersmissen, M De Wachter, ...
Human-Computer Interaction. Novel User Experiences: 18th International …, 2016
An automated end-to-end pipeline for fine-grained video annotation using deep neural networks
B Vandersmissen, L Sterckx, T Demeester, A Jalalvand, W De Neve, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2016
Ghent University-iMinds at MediaEval 2014 Diverse Images: Adaptive Clustering with Deep Features.
B Vandersmissen, A Tomar, F Godin, W De Neve, R Van de Walle
MediaEval, 2014
Automatic GEO-MASHUP generation of outdoor activities
S Verstockt, V Slavkovikj, P De Potter, B Vandersmissen, J Slowack, ...
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing …, 2013
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Articles 1–20