Ovunc Kocabas
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Cited by
Emerging security mechanisms for medical cyber physical systems
O Kocabas, T Soyata, MK Aktas
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 13 (3 …, 2016
Cloud‐Based Privacy‐Preserving Remote ECG Monitoring and Surveillance
A Page, O Kocabas, T Soyata, M Aktas, JP Couderc
Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 20 (4), 328-337, 2014
Robust stable radiometric fingerprinting for wireless devices
A Candore, O Kocabas, F Koushanfar
2009 IEEE International Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, 43-49, 2009
Assessment of cloud-based health monitoring using homomorphic encryption
O Kocabas, T Soyata, JP Couderc, M Aktas, J Xia, M Huang
2013 ieee 31st international conference on computer design (iccd), 443-446, 2013
Utilizing homomorphic encryption to implement secure and private medical cloud computing
O Kocabas, T Soyata
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 540-547, 2015
Towards Privacy-Preserving Medical Cloud Computing Using Homomorphic Encryption
Ö Kocabaş, T Soyata
Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing Through Emerging Technologies, 213-246, 2015
Medical data analytics in the cloud using homomorphic encryption
Ö Kocabaş, T Soyata
Handbook of Research on Cloud Infrastructures for Big Data Analytics, 471-488, 2014
Cloud-based secure health monitoring: Optimizing fully-homomorphic encryption for streaming algorithms
A Page, O Kocabas, S Ames, M Venkitasubramaniam, T Soyata
2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 48-52, 2014
Internet-of-everything oriented implementation of secure digital health (D-health) systems
G Honan, A Page, O Kocabas, T Soyata, B Kantarci
2016 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), 718-725, 2016
Enhancing effective throughput for transmission line-based bus
A Carpenter, J Hu, O Kocabas, M Huang, H Wu
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 40 (3), 165-176, 2012
Secure Health Monitoring in the Cloud Using Homomorphic Encryption, A Branching-Program Formulation
S Ames, M Venkitasubramaniam, A Page, Ö Kocabaş, T Soyata
Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing Through Emerging Technologies, 116-152, 2015
Enhancing an embedded processor core with a cryptographic unit for speed and security
Ö Kocabas, E Savas, J Großschädl
2008 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, 409-414, 2008
Operational Cost of Running Real-Time Mobile Cloud Applications
O Kocabas, R Gyampoh-Vidogah, T Soyata
Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies, 294-321, 2015
Transparent code authentication at the processor level
AO Durahim, E Savaş, B Sunar, TB Pedersen, Ö Kocabaş
IET computers & digital techniques 3 (4), 354-372, 2009
E-Health and telemedicine: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications
Ö Kocabaş, T Soyata
IGI Global, 2016
Design and implementation of a versatile cryptographic unit for RISC processors
K Yumbul, E Savaş, Ö Kocabaş, J Großschädl
Security and Communication Networks 7 (1), 36-52, 2014
Design and analysis of privacy-preserving medical cloud computing systems
O Kocabas
University of Rochester, 2016
Energy efficient VM migration revisited: SLA assurance and minimum service disruption with available hosts
PM Glasser, O Kocabas, B Kantarci, T Soyata, J Matthews
High-capacity Optical Networks and Emerging/Enabling Technologies (HONET), 22-27, 2015
Efficient Radiometric Signature Methods for Cognitive Radio Devices
O Kocabas
Design and Implementation of a Cryptographic Unit for Efficient, Secure and Trusted Execution of Cryptographic Algorithms
K Yumbul, E Savas, O Kocabas, J Großschädl
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Articles 1–20