Edite M.G.P. Fernandes
Edite M.G.P. Fernandes
(Retired) Full Professor of Applied Mathematics/Nonlinear Optimization, University of Minho
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Cited by
Improved binary artificial fish swarm algorithm for the 0–1 multidimensional knapsack problems
MAK Azad, AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 14, 66-75, 2014
Estatística Aplicada
EMGP Fernandes
Universidade do Minho/Braga, 326, 1999
An augmented Lagrangian fish swarm based method for global optimization
AMAC Rocha, TFMC Martins, EMGP Fernandes
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 235 (16), 4611-4620, 2011
Robot trajectory planning with semi-infinite programming
AIF Vaz, EMGP Fernandes, MPSF Gomes
European Journal of Operational Research 153 (3), 607-617, 2004
Hybridizing the electromagnetism-like algorithm with descent search for solving engineering design problems
AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 86 (10-11), 1932-1946, 2009
A simplified binary artificial fish swarm algorithm for 0–1 quadratic knapsack problems
MAK Azad, AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
Journal of Computational and Applied mathematics 259, 897-904, 2014
Modified movement force vector in an electromagnetism-like mechanism for global optimization
AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
Optimization Methods & Software 24 (2), 253-270, 2009
Fish swarm intelligent algorithm for bound constrained global optimization
EMGP Fernandes, TFMC Martins, AMAC Rocha
9th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in …, 2009
Optimization of nonlinear constrained particle swarm
AI de Freitas Vaz, EM da Graça Pinto Fernandes
Technological and Economic Development of Economy 12 (1), 30-36, 2006
A hybrid genetic pattern search augmented Lagrangian method for constrained global optimization
L Costa, IACPE Santo, EMGP Fernandes
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (18), 9415-9426, 2012
SIPAMPL: Semi-infinite programming with AMPL
AIF Vaz, EMGP Fernandes, MPSF Gomes
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 30 (1), 47-61, 2004
Computação numérica
EMGP Fernandes
Universidade do Minho, 1998
Novel fish swarm heuristics for bound constrained global optimization problems
AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes, TFMC Martins
Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2011: International …, 2011
Feasibility and dominance rules in the electromagnetism-like algorithm for constrained global optimization
AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 768-783, 2008
A reduction method for semi-infinite programming by means of a global stochastic approach
AIPN Pereira, EMGP Fernandes
Optimization 58 (6), 713-726, 2009
Multiple roots of systems of equations by repulsion merit functions
GCV Ramadas, EMGP Fernandes, AMAC Rocha
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014: 14th International …, 2014
On charge effects to the electromagnetism-like algorithm
AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
"Continuous Optimization and Knowledge-Based Technologies", L. Sakalauskas …, 2008
On a multiobjective optimal control of a tumor growth model with immune response and drug therapies
AMAC Rocha, MFP Costa, EMGP Fernandes
International Transactions in Operational Research 25 (1), 269-294, 2018
An artificial fish swarm algorithm based hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian method
MFP Costa, AMAC Rocha, EMGP Fernandes
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 259, 868-876, 2014
Firefly penalty-based algorithm for bound constrained mixed-integer nonlinear programming
MFP Costa, AMAC Rocha, RB Francisco, EMGP Fernandes
Optimization 65 (5), 1085-1104, 2016
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Articles 1–20