Alan Blackburn
Alan Blackburn
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Quantifying chlorophylls and caroteniods at leaf and canopy scales: An evaluation of some hyperspectral approaches
GA Blackburn
Remote sensing of environment 66 (3), 273-285, 1998
Hyperspectral remote sensing of plant pigments
GA Blackburn
Journal of experimental botany 58 (4), 855-867, 2007
Spectral indices for estimating photosynthetic pigment concentrations: a test using senescent tree leaves
GA Blackburn
International Journal of remote sensing 19 (4), 657-675, 1998
Retrieval of chlorophyll concentration from leaf reflectance spectra using wavelet analysis
GA Blackburn, JG Ferwerda
Remote sensing of environment 112 (4), 1614-1632, 2008
Mapping crop phenology using NDVI time-series derived from HJ-1 A/B data
Z Pan, J Huang, Q Zhou, L Wang, Y Cheng, H Zhang, GA Blackburn, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 34 …, 2015
A real-time hydrological model for flood prediction using GIS and the WWW
W Al-Sabhan, M Mulligan, GA Blackburn
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 27 (1), 9-32, 2003
Relationships between spectral reflectance and pigment concentrations in stacks of deciduous broadleaves
GA Blackburn
Remote sensing of environment 70 (2), 224-237, 1999
High resolution wheat yield mapping using Sentinel-2
ML Hunt, GA Blackburn, L Carrasco, JW Redhead, CS Rowland
Remote Sensing of Environment 233, 111410, 2019
Mapping individual tree location, height and species in broadleaved deciduous forest using airborne LIDAR and multi‐spectral remotely sensed data
S Koukoulas, GA Blackburn
International Journal of Remote Sensing 26 (3), 431-455, 2005
Fusion of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI data
Q Wang, GA Blackburn, AO Onojeghuo, J Dash, L Zhou, Y Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (7), 3885-3899, 2017
Towards the remote sensing of matorral vegetation physiology: Relationships between spectral reflectance, pigment, and biophysical characteristics of semiarid bushland canopies
GA Blackburn, CM Steele
Remote sensing of Environment 70 (3), 278-292, 1999
Remote sensing of mangrove biophysical properties: evidence from a laboratory simulation of the possible effects of background variation on spectral vegetation indices
BM Díaz, GA Blackburn
International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (1), 53-73, 2003
The effects of gap size on some microclimate variables during late summer and autumn in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest
Z Abd Latif, GA Blackburn
International Journal of Biometeorology 54, 119-129, 2010
Mapping paddy rice fields by applying machine learning algorithms to multi-temporal Sentinel-1A and Landsat data
AO Onojeghuo, GA Blackburn, Q Wang, PM Atkinson, D Kindred, Y Miao
International journal of remote sensing 39 (4), 1042-1067, 2018
Quantifying the spatial properties of forest canopy gaps using LiDAR imagery and GIS
S Koukoulas, GA Blackburn
International Journal of Remote Sensing 25 (15), 3049-3072, 2004
Remote sensing of forest pigments using airborne imaging spectrometer and LIDAR imagery
GA Blackburn
Remote Sensing of Environment 82 (2-3), 311-321, 2002
Wavelet decomposition of hyperspectral data: a novel approach to quantifying pigment concentrations in vegetation
GA Blackburn
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (12), 2831-2855, 2007
Dramatic loss of agricultural land due to urban expansion threatens food security in the Nile Delta, Egypt
TM Radwan, GA Blackburn, JD Whyatt, PM Atkinson
Remote Sensing 11 (3), 332, 2019
Remote sensing of urban green spaces: A review
AR Shahtahmassebi, C Li, Y Fan, Y Wu, M Gan, K Wang, A Malik, ...
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 57, 126946, 2021
Seasonal variations in the spectral reflectance of deciduous tree canopies
GA Blackburn, EJ Milton
International Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (4), 709-720, 1995
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