Magdala de Araujo Novaes
Magdala de Araujo Novaes
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O prontuário eletrônico do paciente no sistema de saúde brasileiro: uma realidade para os médicos?
CM Patrício, MM Maia, JL Machiavelli, MA Navaes
Scientia Medica 21 (3), 2011
Adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo: conceitos, aferição e estratégias inovadoras de abordagem
MVR dos Santos, DC de Oliveira, LB Arraes, D AGC, LM Oliveira, ...
Rev Bras Clin Med. São Paulo 11 (1), 55-61, 2013
Advances in obstetric telemonitoring: a systematic review
DS Alves, VC Times, ÉMA da Silva, PSA Melo, M de Araújo Novaes
International journal of medical informatics 134, 104004, 2020
Agile governance in Information and Communication Technologies: shifting paradigms
AJH Luna, CP Costa, HP Moura, MA Novaes, CADC do Nascimento
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 7, 311-334, 2010
Tele-educação para educação continuada das equipes de saúde da família em saúde mental: a experiência de Pernambuco, Brasil
MA Novaes, JL Machiavelli, FCV Verde, AS Campos Filho, ...
Interface-Comunicação, Saúde, Educação 16, 1095-1106, 2012
Análise da implantação do Programa Telessaúde Brasil em Pernambuco, Brasil: estudo de casos
DG Oliviera, PG Frias, LCM Vanderlei, SA Vidal, MA Novaes, WV Souza
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 31, 2379-2389, 2015
Telehealth and the COVID-19 pandemic: international perspectives and a health systems framework for telehealth implementation to support critical response
A Basu, C Kuziemsky, M de Araújo Novaes, A Kleber, F Sales, ...
Yearbook of medical informatics 30 (01), 126-133, 2021
Evaluation of a tele-education programme in Brazil
A Joshi, MA Novaes, S Iyengar, JL Machiavelli, J Zhang, R Vogler, ...
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 17 (7), 341-345, 2011
A web application to support telemedicine services in Brazil
AKP Barbosa, MA Novaes, AML de Vasconcelos
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2003, 56, 2003
A telehealth strategy for increasing adherence in the treatment of hypertension in primary care
MVR Santos, D Cavalcanti de Oliveira, M de Araújo Novaes
Telemedicine and e-Health 19 (4), 241-247, 2013
Providing telehealth services to a public primary care network: the experience of RedeNUTES in Pernambuco, Brazil
PRB Diniz, FJ Ribeiro Sales, M de Araújo Novaes
Telemedicine and e-Health 22 (8), 694-698, 2016
Telemental health in Brazil: past, present and integration into primary care
RDS Dias, ADFH Marques, PRB Diniz, TABD Silva, L Cofiel, ...
Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo) 42, 41-44, 2015
The practice of telehealth by nurses: an experience in primary healthcare in Brazil
LMP Sanches, DS Alves, MHBM Lopes, MA Novaes
TELEMEDICINE and e-HEALTH 18 (9), 679-683, 2012
Improving education of medical students through telehealth
M de Araújo Novaes, A Sá de Campos Filho, PRB Diniz
MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All, 1917-1918, 2019
Telefonoaudiologia como estratégia de educação permanente na atenção primária à saúde no Estado de Pernambuco
CMB Nascimento, MLLT Lima, FOS Sousa, MA Novaes, DR Galdino, ...
Revista Cefac 19 (3), 371-380, 2017
A experiência de Pernambuco em telessaúde
MA Novaes, KS Araújo, J Couto
Santos AF, Souza C, Alves HJ, Santos SF, organizadores. Telessaúde: um …, 2006
A 3D visualization framework to social network monitoring and analysis
AS Campos Filho, MA Novaes, AS Gomes
Computers in Human Behavior 49, 623-634, 2015
A human centered GeoVisualization framework to facilitate visual exploration of telehealth data: a case study
A Joshi, M de Araujo Novaes, J Machiavelli, S Iyengar, R Vogler, ...
Technology and Health Care 20 (6), 487-501, 2012
Telecare within different specialties
M de Araújo Novaes
Fundamentals of telemedicine and telehealth, 185-254, 2020
Telespeech therapy as a continued education strategy in primary health care in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil
CMB Nascimento, MLLT Lima, FOS Sousa, MA Novaes, DR Galdino, ...
Revista CEFAC 19, 371-380, 2017
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Articles 1–20