Thomas Debray
Thomas Debray
Smart Data Analysis and Statistics B.V.
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Cited by
Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19: systematic review and critical appraisal
L Wynants, B Van Calster, GS Collins, RD Riley, G Heinze, E Schuit, ...
bmj 369, 2020
Prediction models for cardiovascular disease risk in the general population: systematic review
JAAG Damen, L Hooft, E Schuit, TPA Debray, GS Collins, I Tzoulaki, ...
bmj 353, i2416, 2016
A guide to systematic review and meta-analysis of prognostic factor studies
RD Riley, KGM Moons, KIE Snell, J Ensor, L Hooft, DG Altman, J Hayden, ...
bmj 364, k4597, 2019
A new framework to enhance the interpretation of external validation studies of clinical prediction models
TPA Debray, Y Vergouwe, H Koffijberg, D Nieboer, EW Steyerberg, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 68 (3), 279-289, 2015
External validation of clinical prediction models using big datasets from e-health records or IPD meta-analysis: opportunities and challenges
RD Riley, J Ensor, KIE Snell, TPA Debray, DG Altman, KGM Moons, ...
bmj 353, i3140, 2016
Prognosis for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: development and validation of a personalised prediction model
HJ Westeneng, TPA Debray, AE Visser, RPA van Eijk, JPK Rooney, ...
The Lancet Neurology 17 (5), 423-433, 2018
A guide to systematic review and meta-analysis of prediction model performance
TPA Debray, JAAG Damen, KIE Snell, J Ensor, L Hooft, JB Reitsma, ...
bmj 356, i6460, 2017
Get real in individual participant data (IPD) meta‐analysis: a review of the methodology
TPA Debray, KGM Moons, G van Valkenhoef, O Efthimiou, N Hummel, ...
Research synthesis methods 6 (4), 293-309, 2015
GetReal in network meta‐analysis: a review of the methodology
O Efthimiou, TPA Debray, G van Valkenhoef, S Trelle, K Panayidou, ...
Research synthesis methods 7 (3), 236-263, 2016
Guidelines and quality criteria for artificial intelligence-based prediction models in healthcare: a scoping review
AAH de Hond, AM Leeuwenberg, L Hooft, IMJ Kant, SWJ Nijman, ...
npj Digital Medicine 5 (1), 1-13, 2022
Minimum sample size for external validation of a clinical prediction model with a binary outcome
RD Riley, TPA Debray, GS Collins, L Archer, J Ensor, M van Smeden, ...
Statistics in Medicine 40 (19), 4230-4251, 2021
Individual participant data meta-analysis for a binary outcome: one-stage or two-stage?
TPA Debray, KGM Moons, GMA Abo-Zaid, H Koffijberg, RD Riley
PloS one 8 (4), e60650, 2013
A framework for developing, implementing, and evaluating clinical prediction models in an individual participant data meta‐analysis
T Debray, KGM Moons, I Ahmed, H Koffijberg, RD Riley
Statistics in medicine 32 (18), 3158-3180, 2013
Imputation of systematically missing predictors in an individual participant data meta‐analysis: a generalized approach using MICE
S Jolani, TPA Debray, H Koffijberg, S van Buuren, KGM Moons
Statistics in medicine 34 (11), 1841-1863, 2015
Performance of the Framingham risk models and pooled cohort equations for predicting 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
JA Damen, R Pajouheshnia, P Heus, KGM Moons, JB Reitsma, ...
BMC medicine 17 (1), 1-16, 2019
A framework for meta-analysis of prediction model studies with binary and time-to-event outcomes
TPA Debray, JAAG Damen, RD Riley, K Snell, JB Reitsma, L Hooft, ...
Statistical methods in medical research 28 (9), 2768-2786, 2019
Detecting small‐study effects and funnel plot asymmetry in meta‐analysis of survival data: A comparison of new and existing tests
TPA Debray, KGM Moons, RD Riley
Research synthesis methods 9 (1), 41-50, 2018
Combining randomized and non‐randomized evidence in network meta‐analysis
O Efthimiou, D Mavridis, TPA Debray, M Samara, M Belger, GCM Siontis, ...
Statistics in medicine 36 (8), 1210-1226, 2017
Multiple imputation for multilevel data with continuous and binary variables
V Audigier, IR White, S Jolani, TPA Debray, M Quartagno, J Carpenter, ...
Statistical Science 33 (2), 160-183, 2018
Missing data is poorly handled and reported in prediction model studies using machine learning: a literature review
SWJ Nijman, AM Leeuwenberg, I Beekers, I Verkouter, JJL Jacobs, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 142, 218-229, 2022
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Articles 1–20