Lilja Øvrelid
Lilja Øvrelid
Professor at the University of Oslo
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Diachronic word embeddings and semantic shifts: a survey
A Kutuzov, L Øvrelid, T Szymanski, E Velldal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03537, 2018
Universal Dependencies 1.2
J Nivre, Ž Agić, MJ Aranzabe, M Asahara, A Atutxa, M Ballesteros, J Bauer, ...
Universal Dependencies Consortium, 2015
Anonymisation models for text data: State of the art, challenges and future directions
P Lison, I Pilán, D Sánchez, M Batet, L Øvrelid
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2021
Who did what to whom? A contrastive study of syntacto-semantic dependencies
A Ivanova, S Oepen, L Øvrelid, D Flickinger
Proceedings of the sixth linguistic annotation workshop, 2-11, 2012
Speculation and negation: Rules, rankers, and the role of syntax
E Velldal, L Øvrelid, J Read, S Oepen
Computational linguistics 38 (2), 369-410, 2012
Responsible media technology and AI: challenges and research directions
C Trattner, D Jannach, E Motta, I Costera Meijer, N Diakopoulos, M Elahi, ...
AI and Ethics 2 (4), 585-594, 2022
Evaluation of domain-specific word embeddings using knowledge resources
F Nooralahzadeh, L Øvrelid, JT Lønning
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on language resources …, 2018
The text anonymization benchmark (tab): A dedicated corpus and evaluation framework for text anonymization
I Pilán, P Lison, L Øvrelid, A Papadopoulou, D Sánchez, M Batet
Computational Linguistics 48 (4), 1053-1101, 2022
Structured sentiment analysis as dependency graph parsing
J Barnes, R Kurtz, S Oepen, L Øvrelid, E Velldal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.14504, 2021
Representing and resolving negation for sentiment analysis
E Lapponi, J Read, L Øvrelid
2012 ieee 12th international conference on data mining workshops, 687-692, 2012
Large-scale contextualised language modelling for Norwegian
A Kutuzov, J Barnes, E Velldal, L Øvrelid, S Oepen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.06546, 2021
Uio 2: sequence-labeling negation using dependency features
E Lapponi, E Velldal, L Øvrelid, J Read
* SEM 2012: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational …, 2012
A fine-grained sentiment dataset for Norwegian
L Øvrelid, P Mæhlum, J Barnes, E Velldal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.12722, 2019
Universal dependencies for norwegian
L Øvrelid, P Hohle
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Disambiguation of syntactic functions in Norwegian: modeling variation in word order interpretations conditioned by animacy and definiteness
L Øvrelid
Proceedings of the 20th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, 1-17, 2004
Improving sentiment analysis with multi-task learning of negation
J Barnes, E Velldal, L Øvrelid
Natural Language Engineering 27 (2), 249-269, 2021
Tracing armed conflicts with diachronic word embedding models
A Kutuzov, E Velldal, L Øvrelid
Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop, 31-36, 2017
SemEval 2022 task 10: Structured sentiment analysis
J Barnes, L Oberlaender, E Troiano, A Kutuzov, J Buchmann, R Agerri, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2022
The norwegian dependency treebank
PE Solberg, A Skjærholt, L Øvrelid, K Hagen, JB Johannessen
UiO1: Constituent-based discriminative ranking for negation resolution
J Read, E Velldal, L Øvrelid, S Oepen
* SEM 2012: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational …, 2012
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Articles 1–20