Paulo André
Paulo André
IST - Lisbon University (Instituto de Telecomunicações and Department Department of Electrical and
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Luminescent solar concentrators: challenges for lanthanide-based organic–inorganic hybrid materials
SFH Correia, V de Zea Bermudez, SJL Ribeiro, PS André, RAS Ferreira, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2 (16), 5580-5596, 2014
Optical performance monitoring: advanced techniques for next-generation photonic networks
CCK Chan
Academic Press, 2010
Optical fiber accelerometer system for structural dynamic monitoring
PF da Costa Antunes, HFT Lima, NJ Alberto, H Rodrigues, PMF Pinto, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (11), 1347-1354, 2009
Next-generation FTTH passive optical networks: research towards unlimited bandwidth access
J Prat
Springer Netherlands, 2008
Optical fiber magnetic field sensors based on magnetic fluid: A review
N Alberto, MF Domingues, C Marques, P André, P Antunes
Sensors 18 (12), 4325, 2018
Liquid level measurement based on FBG-embedded diaphragms with temperature compensation
CAR Díaz, AG Leal-Junior, PSB André, PF da Costa Antunes, MJ Pontes, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (1), 193-200, 2017
Optical fiber relative humidity sensor based on a FBG with a di-ureasil coating
SFH Correia, P Antunes, E Pecoraro, PP Lima, H Varum, LD Carlos, ...
Sensors 12 (7), 8847-8860, 2012
Engineering highly efficient Eu (III)-based tri-ureasil hybrids toward luminescent solar concentrators
MM Nolasco, PM Vaz, VT Freitas, PP Lima, PS André, RAS Ferreira, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (25), 7339-7350, 2013
High-efficiency luminescent solar concentrators for flexible waveguiding photovoltaics
SFH Correia, PP Lima, PS André, MRS Ferreira, LAD Carlos
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 138, 51-57, 2015
Insole optical fiber sensor architecture for remote gait analysis—An e-health solution
MF Domingues, N Alberto, CSJ Leitão, C Tavares, ER De Lima, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (1), 207-214, 2017
Polymer optical fiber sensors in human life safety
CAF Marques, DJ Webb, P Andre
Optical Fiber Technology 36, 144-154, 2017
fiber sensors for static and dynamic health monitoring of civil engineering infrastructures: Abode wall case study
PA Paulo Antunes, Hugo Lima, Humberto VArum
measurement 45 (7), 1965-1705, 2012
Modulating the Photoluminescence of Bridged Silsesquioxanes Incorporating Eu3+-Complexed n,n′-Diureido-2,2′-bipyridine Isomers: Application for …
J Graffion, X Cattoën, M Wong Chi Man, VR Fernandes, PS André, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (21), 4773-4782, 2011
Structural health monitoring of the church of Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Aveiro using FBG sensors
HF Lima, R da Silva Vicente, RN Nogueira, I Abe, PS de Brito Andre, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 8 (7), 1236-1242, 2008
Biaxial optical accelerometer and high-angle inclinometer with temperature and cross-axis insensitivity
PFC Antunes, CA Marques, H Varum, PS Andre
IEEE Sensors Journal 12 (7), 2399-2406, 2012
Uniaxial fiber Bragg grating accelerometer system with temperature and cross axis insensitivity
P Antunes, H Varum, P André
Measurement 44 (1), 55-59, 2011
Eu3+-Based Bridged Silsesquioxanes for Transparent Luminescent Solar Concentrators
VT Freitas, L Fu, AM Cojocariu, X Cattoen, JR Bartlett, R Le Parc, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (16), 8770-8778, 2015
Organic–inorganic hybrid materials towards passive and active architectures for the next generation of optical networks
RAS Ferreira, PS André, LD Carlos
Optical Materials 32 (11), 1397-1409, 2010
Luminescence Thermometry on the Route of the Mobile‐Based Internet of Things (IoT): How Smart QR Codes Make It Real
JFCB Ramalho, SFH Correia, L Fu, LLF António, CDS Brites, PS André, ...
Advanced Science 6 (19), 1900950, 2019
POFBG-embedded cork insole for plantar pressure monitoring
D Vilarinho, A Theodosiou, C Leitão, AG Leal-Junior, MF Domingues, ...
Sensors 17 (12), 2924, 2017
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