Ke-Hai Yuan
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Cited by
5. Three likelihood-based methods for mean and covariance structure analysis with nonnormal missing data
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
Sociological methodology 30 (1), 165-200, 2000
Univariate and multivariate skewness and kurtosis for measuring nonnormality: Prevalence, influence and estimation
MK Cain, Z Zhang, KH Yuan
Behavior research methods 49, 1716-1735, 2017
Structural equation modeling with small samples: Test statistics
PM Bentler, KH Yuan
Multivariate behavioral research 34 (2), 181-197, 1999
Fit indices versus test statistics
KH Yuan
Multivariate behavioral research 40 (1), 115-148, 2005
Practical Statistical Power Analysis Using Webpower and R
Z Zhang, KH Yuan
Normal theory based test statistics in structural equation modelling
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 51 (2), 289-309, 1998
On chi-square difference and z tests in mean and covariance structure analysis when the base model is misspecified
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
Educational and Psychological measurement 64 (5), 737-757, 2004
Mean and covariance structure analysis: Theoretical and practical improvements
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
Journal of the American statistical association 92 (438), 767-774, 1997
The effect of skewness and kurtosis on mean and covariance structure analysis: The univariate case and its multivariate implication
KH Yuan, PM Bentler, W Zhang
Sociological Methods & Research 34 (2), 240-258, 2005
Robust coefficients alpha and omega and confidence intervals with outlying observations and missing data: Methods and software
Z Zhang, KH Yuan
Educational and Psychological Measurement 76 (3), 387-411, 2016
Assessing structural equation models by equivalence testing with adjusted fit indexes
KH Yuan, W Chan, GA Marcoulides, PM Bentler
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 23 (3), 319-330, 2016
On the post hoc power in testing mean differences
KH Yuan, S Maxwell
Journal of educational and behavioral statistics 30 (2), 141-167, 2005
10 structural equation modeling
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
Handbook of statistics 26, 297-358, 2006
Measurement invariance via multigroup SEM: Issues and solutions with chi-square-difference tests.
KH Yuan, W Chan
Psychological methods 21 (3), 405, 2016
On averaging variables in a confirmatory factor analysis model
KH Yuan, PM Bentler, Y Kano
Behaviormetrika 24 (1), 71-83, 1997
Bootstrap approach to inference and power analysis based on three test statistics for covariance structure models
KH Yuan, K Hayashi
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 56 (1), 93-110, 2003
Structural equation modeling with robust covariances
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
Sociological methodology 28 (1), 363-396, 1998
Robust mean and covariance structure analysis
KH Yuan, PM Bentler
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 51 (1), 63-88, 1998
New ways to evaluate goodness of fit: A note on using equivalence testing to assess structural equation models
KM Marcoulides, KH Yuan
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 24 (1), 148-153, 2017
Robust transformation with applications to structural equation modelling
KH Yuan, W Chan, PM Bentler
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 53 (1), 31-50, 2000
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Articles 1–20