Pieter de Wilde
Pieter de Wilde
Professor in European Politics & Society, University of Groningen
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Can the Politicization of European Integration be Reversed?
P de Wilde, M Zürn
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 50 (S1), 137-153, 2012
No Polity for Old Politics? A Framework for Analyzing the Politicization of European Integration
P de Wilde
Journal of European Integration 33 (5), 559-575, 2011
Introduction: the differentiated politicisation of European governance
P de Wilde, A Leupold, H Schmidtke
West European Politics 39 (1), 3-22, 2016
Winners and losers of globalization in Europe: attitudes and ideologies
C Teney, OP Lacewell, P De Wilde
European Political Science Review 6 (4), 575-595, 2014
The Struggle Over Borders: Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism
P De Wilde, R Koopmans, W Merkel, O Strijbis, M Zürn
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Debating Globalization: Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism as Political Ideologies
M Zürn, P de Wilde
Journal of Political Ideologies 21 (3), 280-301, 2016
Denouncing European integration: Euroscepticism as polity contestation
P de Wilde, HJ Trenz
European Journal of Social Theory 15 (4), 537-554, 2012
Representative claims analysis: theory meets method
P de Wilde
Journal of European Public Policy 20 (2), 278-294, 2013
Contesting Europe: Exploring Euroscepticism in Online Media Coverage
P de Wilde, A Michailidou, HJ Trenz
ECPR Press, 2013
Converging on euroscepticism: Online polity contestation during European Parliament elections
P de Wilde, A Michailidou, HJ Trenz
European Journal of Political Research 53 (4), 766-783, 2014
The opposition deficit in EU accountability: Evidence from over 20 years of plenary debate in four member states
C Rauh, P De Wilde
European Journal of Political Research 57 (1), 194-216, 2018
Denouncing European Integration. Euroscepticism as reactive identity formation
HJ Trenz, P de Wilde
ARENA Working Papers, 2009
The essence of democratic backsliding in the European Union: deliberation and rule of law
A Gora, P de Wilde
Journal of European Public Policy 29 (3), 342-362, 2022
Assessing actually-existing trajectories of EU politicisation
P de Wilde, C Lord
West European Politics 39 (1), 145-163, 2016
Politicisation of European integration: Bringing the process into focus
P de Wilde
University of Oslo ARENA Working Paper, 2007
The Internet and European Integration: Pro-and Anti-EU Debates in Online News Media
A Michailidou, HJ Trenz, P de Wilde
Barbara Budrich, 2014
Why the Early Warning Mechanism Does Not Alleviate the Democratic Deficit
P de Wilde
OPAL Working Papers, 2012
The political sociology of cosmopolitanism and communitarianism: Representative claims analysis
P de Wilde, R Koopmans, M Zürn
WZB Discussion Paper, 2014
A cosmopolitan–communitarian cleavage around the world? Evidence from ideological polarization and party–voter linkages
O Strijbis, J Helmer, P De Wilde
Acta Politica 55 (3), 408-431, 2020
The Operating Logics of National Parliaments and Mass Media in the Politicisation of Europe
P de Wilde
Parliamentary Communication in EU Affairs, 60-75, 2016
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