Rui Nóbrega
Rui Nóbrega
NOVA School of Science and Technology
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Mobile Location-Based Augmented Reality Applications for Urban Tourism Storytelling
R Nóbrega, J Jacob, A Coelho, J Weber, J Ribeiro, S Ferreira
2017 International Conference on Graphics and Interaction (ICGI'17) - EPCG …, 2017
User redirection and direct haptics in virtual environments
C Carvalheiro, R Nóbrega, H da Silva, R Rodrigues
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1146-1155, 2016
A multi-touch tabletop for robust multimedia interaction in museums
N Correia, T Mota, R Nóbrega, L Silva, A Almeida
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 117-120, 2010
Extended reality framework for remote collaborative interactions in virtual environments
V Pereira, T Matos, R Rodrigues, R Nóbrega, J Jacob
2019 International Conference on Graphics and Interaction (ICGI), 17-24, 2019
Flood emergency interaction and visualization system
R Nóbrega, A Sabino, A Rodrigues, N Correia
Visual Information Systems. Web-Based Visual Information Search and …, 2008
NARI: Natural Augmented Reality Interface
R Nóbrega, D Cabral, G Jacucci, A Coelho
GRAPP 2015 - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer …, 2015
Dynamic annotations on an interactive web-based 360 video player
T Matos, R Nóbrega, R Rodrigues, M Pinheiro
Proceedings of the 23rd International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology, 1-4, 2018
Serious pervasive games
A Coelho, R Rodrigues, R Nóbrega, J Jacob, L Morgado, P Cardoso, ...
Frontiers in Computer Science 2, 30, 2020
Leveraging pervasive games for tourism: An augmented reality perspective
R Nóbrega, J Jacob, A Coelho, J Ribeiro, J Weber, S Ferreira
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG …, 2018
Interactive 3D content insertion in images for multimedia applications
R Nóbrega, N Correia
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 163-197, 2017
Magnetic augmented reality: virtual objects in your space
R Nóbrega, N Correia
Proceedings of the international working conference on advanced visual …, 2012
Design your room: adding virtual objects to a real indoor scenario
R Nóbrega, N Correia
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2143-2148, 2011
Life-Saver: flood emergency simulator
A Sabino, R Nóbrega, A Rodrigues, N Correia
Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference. Washington, DC, 2008
An Interactive Application Framework for Natural Parks using Serious Location-based Games with Augmented Reality
L Santos, N Silva, R Nóbrega, R Almeida, A Coelho
Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision …, 2020
Collaborative Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage: Sharing Visitors’ Experiences and Interactions
J Jacob, R Nóbrega
Augmented Reality in Tourism, Museums and Heritage, 27-47, 2021
Computer Graphics teaching challenges: Guidelines for balancing depth, complexity and mentoring in a confinement context
R Rodrigues, T Matos, AV de Carvalho, JG Barbosa, R Assaf, R Nóbrega, ...
Graphics and Visual Computing 4, 200021, 2021
Live Software Development Environment for Java using Virtual Reality
D Amaral, G Domingues, JP Dias, HS Ferreira, A Aguiar, R Nóbrega
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel …, 2019
Aplicação móvel para divulgação do património natural no turismo.
L Santos, D Pereira, P Beça, R Nóbrega, A Coelho
Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento (RT&D)/Journal of Tourism & Development, 2017
Immersive multimodal and procedurally-assisted creation of vr environments
J Ferreira, D Mendes, R Nóbrega, R Rodrigues
2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2021
Towards player adaptivity in mobile exergames
J Jacob, A Lopes, R Nóbrega, R Rodrigues, A Coelho
International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment, 278-292, 2017
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Articles 1–20