David B Anderson
David B Anderson
Data Science Retreat
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Cited by
Trace-based just-in-time type specialization for dynamic languages
A Gal, B Eich, M Shaver, D Anderson, D Mandelin, MR Haghighat, ...
ACM Sigplan Notices 44 (6), 465-478, 2009
Computer vision for interactive computer graphics
WT Freeman, DB Anderson, P Beardsley, CN Dodge, M Roth, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 18 (3), 42-53, 1998
Locales: Supporting large multiuser virtual environments
JW Barrus, RC Waters, DB Anderson
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 16 (6), 50-57, 1996
Tangible interaction+ graphical interpretation: a new approach to 3D modeling
D Anderson, JL Frankel, J Marks, A Agarwala, P Beardsley, J Hodgins, ...
Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and …, 2000
Diamond park and spline: Social virtual reality with 3d animation, spoken interaction, and runtime extendability
RC Waters, DB Anderson, JW Barrus, DC Brogan, MA Casey, ...
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 6 (4), 461-481, 1997
Human-guided simple search: combining information visualization and heuristic search
D Anderson, E Anderson, N Lesh, J Marks, K Perlin, D Ratajczak, K Ryall
Proceedings of the 1999 workshop on new paradigms in information …, 1999
Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations: Report of an independent panel to develop a model for improved governance by Regional Fisheries …
MW Lodge, D Anderson, T Løbach, G Munro, K Sainsbury, A Willock
Chatham House, 2007
Locales and beacons: Efficient and precise support for large multi-user virtual environments
JW Barrus, RC Waters, DB Anderson
Proceedings of the IEEE 1996 Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium …, 1996
Building multiuser interactive multimedia environments at MERL
DB Anderson, JW Barrus, JH Howard, C Rich, C Shen, RC Waters
IEEE MultiMedia 2 (4), 77-82, 1995
Comparative in vitro and in vivo effects of antioxidants
D Anderson, BJ Phillips
Food and Chemical Toxicology 37 (9-10), 1015-1025, 1999
System for sending small positive data notification messages over a network to indicate that a recipient node should obtain a particular version of a particular data item
D Anderson, RC Waters
US Patent 5,842,216, 1998
Grammar checker interface
DB Anderson
US Patent 5,678,053, 1997
The sound dimension
DB Anderson, MA Casey
IEEE spectrum 34 (3), 46-50, 1997
A statewide review of the use of accommodations in large-scale, high-stakes assessments
E Johnson, K Kimball, SO Brown, D Anderson
Exceptional Children 67 (2), 251-264, 2001
Building virtual structures with physical blocks
D Anderson, JL Frankel, J Marks, D Leigh, E Sullivan, J Yedidia, K Ryall
Proceedings of the 12th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and …, 1999
System for the reliable, fast, low-latency communication of object state updates over a computer network by combining lossy and lossless communications
RC Waters, D Anderson
US Patent 6,006,254, 1999
Tactus: toolkit-level support for synchronized interactive multimedia
RB Dannenberg, T Neuendorffer, JM Newcomer, D Rubine, DB Anderson
Multimedia Systems 1, 77-86, 1993
System and method for recognizing scanned objects with deformable volumetric templates
DB Anderson, A Agarwala, P Beardsley, JW Marks
US Patent 6,259,815, 2001
Ips bark beetle attacks and brood development on a lightning-struck pine in relation to its physiological decline
NH Anderson, DB Anderson
Florida Entomologist, 23-30, 1968
Design of the interactive sharing transfer protocol
R Waters, DB Anderson, DL Schwenke
Proceedings of IEEE 6th Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure …, 1997
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Articles 1–20