Rebecca Lazarides
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Teacher enthusiasm and self-efficacy, student-perceived mastery goal orientation, and student motivation in mathematics classrooms
R Lazarides, J Buchholz, C Rubach
Teaching and Teacher Education 69, 1-10, 2018
Teachers’ classroom management self-efficacy, perceived classroom management and teaching contexts from beginning until mid-career
R Lazarides, HMG Watt, PW Richardson
Learning and Instruction 69, 101346, 2020
Dynamics of classroom motivation: Teacher enthusiasm and the development of math interest and teacher support
R Lazarides, H Gaspard, AL Dicke
Learning and Instruction 60, 126-137, 2019
Addressing 21st-century digital skills in schools–Development and validation of an instrument to measure teachers' basic ICT competence beliefs
C Rubach, R Lazarides
Computers in Human Behavior 118, 106636, 2021
Student-perceived teaching quality: How is it related to different achievement emotions in mathematics classrooms?
R Lazarides, J Buchholz
Learning and Instruction 61, 45-59, 2019
Girls' and boys' perceived mathematics teacher beliefs, classroom learning environments and mathematical career intentions
R Lazarides, HMG Watt
Contemporary educational psychology 41, 51-61, 2015
The role of parental expectations and students' motivational profiles for educational aspirations
R Lazarides, J Viljaranta, K Aunola, L Pesu, JE Nurmi
Learning and Individual Differences 51, 29-36, 2016
Teacher self-efficacy
R Lazarides, LM Warner
Oxford research encyclopedia of education, 1e22, 2020
Stability and change in students' motivational profiles in mathematics classrooms: The role of perceived teaching
R Lazarides, J Dietrich, PH Taskinen
Teaching and Teacher Education 79, 164-175, 2019
Teacher self-efficacy and enthusiasm: Relations to changes in student-perceived teaching quality at the beginning of secondary education
R Lazarides, B Fauth, H Gaspard, R Göllner
Learning and Instruction 73, 101435, 2021
Profiles of motivational beliefs in math: Exploring their development, relations to student-perceived classroom characteristics, and impact on future career aspirations and …
R Lazarides, AL Dicke, C Rubach, JS Eccles
Journal of educational psychology 112 (1), 70, 2020
Teaching and learning during the first COVID-19 school lockdown: Realization and associations with parent-perceived students' academic outcomes
R Steinmayr, R Lazarides, AF Weidinger, H Christiansen
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 2021
Mathematics interest and achievement: What role do perceived parent and teacher support play? A longitudinal analysis
R Lazarides, A Ittel
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 5 (3), 207-231, 2013
Eine Skala zur Selbsteinschätzung digitaler Kompetenzen bei Lehramtsstudierenden
C Rubach, R Lazarides
Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung 9 (3), 345-374, 2019
Teacher classroom management self-efficacy: Longitudinal relations to perceived teaching behaviors and student enjoyment
K Hettinger, R Lazarides, C Rubach, U Schiefele
Teaching and Teacher Education 103, 103349, 2021
Four reasons for becoming a teacher educator: A large-scale study on teacher educators’ motives and well-being
E Richter, R Lazarides, D Richter
Teaching and Teacher Education 102, 103322, 2021
Gendered paths into STEM-related and language-related careers: Girls’ and boys’ motivational beliefs and career plans in math and language arts
R Lazarides, F Lauermann
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1243, 2019
Elementary school teachers' self-efficacy, student-perceived support and students’ mathematics interest
E Oppermann, R Lazarides
Teaching and Teacher Education 103, 103351, 2021
The role of parents in students' motivational beliefs and values
R Lazarides, J Harackiewicz, E Canning, L Pesu, J Viljaranta
Routledge international handbook of social psychology of the classroom, 53-66, 2015
Video-based reflection in teacher education: Comparing virtual reality and real classroom videos
E Richter, I Hußner, Y Huang, D Richter, R Lazarides
Computers & Education 190, 104601, 2022
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