Antonio Tadeu Gomes
Cited by
Cited by
Network anomaly detection using nonextensive entropy
A Ziviani, ATA Gomes, ML Monsores, PSS Rodrigues
IEEE Communications Letters 11 (12), 1034-1036, 2007
VoIP: voz sobre IP.
S Colcher
Elsevier Brasil, 2005
Mapping adl specifications to an efficient and reconfigurable runtime component platform
A Joolia, T Batista, G Coulson, ATA Gomes
5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'05), 131-140, 2005
Peer-to-peer resource discovery in mobile grids
L dos S. Lima, ATA Gomes, A Ziviani, M Endler, LFG Soares, B Schulze
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Middleware for grid …, 2005
DICHOTOMY: A resource discovery and scheduling protocol for multihop ad hoc mobile grids
ATA Gomes, A Ziviani, LS Lima, M Endler
Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid …, 2007
NETKIT: a software component-based approach to programmable networking
G Coulson, G Blair, D Hutchison, A Joolia, K Lee, J Ueyama, A Gomes, ...
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 33 (5), 55-66, 2003
Architecting dynamic reconfiguration in dependable systems
ATA Gomes, TV Batista, A Joolia, G Coulson
Architecting dependable systems IV, 237-261, 2007
AToMS: a ubiquitous teleconsultation system for supporting AMI patients with prehospital thrombolysis
BSPM Correa, B Gonçalves, IM Teixeira, ATA Gomes, A Ziviani
International journal of telemedicine and applications 2011, 2011
SDN-based architecture for providing QoS to high performance distributed applications
AT Oliveira, BJCA Martins, MF Moreno, AB Vieira, ATA Gomes, A Ziviani
2018 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 00602-00607, 2018
Modeling QoS provision on adaptable communication environments
ATA Gomes, S Colcher, LFG Soares
ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on Communications. Conference Record …, 2001
Experiences of the Brazilian national high‐performance computing network on the rapid prototyping of science gateways
ATA Gomes, BF Bastos, V Medeiros, VM Moreira
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (2), 271-289, 2015
Intra-domain IP traceback using OSPF
A Castelucio, ATA Gomes, A Ziviani, RM Salles
Computer Communications 35 (5), 554-564, 2012
SPLiCE: a software product line for healthcare
ATA Gomes, A Ziviani, BSPM Correa, IM Teixeira, VM Moreira
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium …, 2012
Um framework para provisão de QoS em ambientes genéricos de processamento e comunicação
ATA Gomes, S Colcher, LFG Soares
Anais do XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores (SBRC’99 …, 1999
A comprehensive performance evaluation of the BinLPT workload‐aware loop scheduler
PH Penna, AT A. Gomes, M Castro, P DM Plentz, H C. Freitas, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (18), e5170, 2019
BioinfoPortal: A scientific gateway for integrating bioinformatics applications on the Brazilian national high-performance computing network
KACS Ocaña, M Galheigo, C Osthoff, LMR Gadelha Jr, F Porto, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 107, 192-214, 2020
The Latin American supercomputing ecosystem for science
I Gitler, ATA Gomes, S Nesmachnow
Communications of the ACM 63 (11), 66-71, 2020
On the joint dynamics of network diameter and spectral gap under node removal
K Wehmuth, ATA Gomes, A Ziviani, APC da Silva
LAWDN-Latin-American workshop on dynamic networks, 4 p., 2010
On the interplay of aspects and dynamic reconfiguration in a specification-to-deployment environment
T Batista, ATA Gomes, G Coulson, C Chavez, A Garcia
European Conference on Software Architecture, 314-317, 2008
QoSOS: An adaptable architecture for QoS provisioning in network operating systems
MF Moreno, CSS Neto, ATA Gomes, S Colcher, LFG Soares
Journal of Communication and Information Systems 18 (2), 2003
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Articles 1–20