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Tom LenaertsProfessor Computer Science, Université Libre de BruxellesEmail confirmado em ulb.be
Francisco C. SantosInstituto Superior Técnico, GAIPS/INESC-ID & ATP-group, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, PortugalEmail confirmado em tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Juan Carlos Burguillo-RialFull Professor at AtlanTTic Research Center, University of VigoEmail confirmado em uvigo.es
Jelena GrujicVrije Universiteit BrusselEmail confirmado em vub.ac.be
Inês TerruchaPostdoc researcher for Human Understanding of Algorithms and Machines, University Duisburg-EssenEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Rémi SuchonAnthropo Lab - Université Catholique de LilleEmail confirmado em univ-catholille.fr
Georg KirchsteigerProfessor of Microeconomics, ECARES, Universite libre de BruxellesEmail confirmado em ulb.be
Pieter Simoensimec - Ghent UniversityEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Eladio Montero PorrasPhD Student, Vrije Universiteit BrusselEmail confirmado em vub.be
Aleksander ByrskiAkademia Góniczo-HutniczaEmail confirmado em agh.edu.pl
Nowe AnnGewoon hoogleraarEmail confirmado em vub.be
Wojciech KorczynskiAGH University of Science and TechnologyEmail confirmado em agh.edu.pl
Marek Kisiel-DorohinickiAGH University of Science and TechnologyEmail confirmado em agh.edu.pl
Paweł TopaAGH University of Science and TechnologyEmail confirmado em uci.agh.edu.pl
Maciej KomosinskiInstitute of Computing Science, Poznan University of TechnologyEmail confirmado em cs.put.poznan.pl
Jarosław TyszkaING PAN Biogeosystem Modelling Group, Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of SciencesEmail confirmado em cyf-kr.edu.pl
Simon T. PowersDivision of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of StirlingEmail confirmado em stir.ac.uk
The Anh HanProfessor of Computer Science, Teesside UniversityEmail confirmado em tees.ac.uk
Axel AbelsPhD candidate, Université Libre de BruxellesEmail confirmado em ulb.ac.be
Elias Fernández Domingos
FWO Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, AI Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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