New media, counter publicity and the public sphere J Downey, N Fenton New media & society 5 (2), 185-202, 2003 | 933 | 2003 |
Culture is digital: Cultural participation, diversity and the digital divide S Mihelj, A Leguina, J Downey New media & society 21 (7), 1465-1485, 2019 | 257 | 2019 |
Technocities: The culture and political economy of the digital revolution J Downey, J McGuigan Sage, 1999 | 145 | 1999 |
Is there a European public sphere? The Berlusconi–Schulz case J Downey, T Koenig european Journal of Communication 21 (2), 165-187, 2006 | 140 | 2006 |
Counter public spheres and global modernity N Fenton, J Downey Javnost-The Public 10 (1), 15-32, 2003 | 139 | 2003 |
Comparative media analysis: Why some fuzzy thinking might help. Applying fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis to the personalization of mediated political communication J Downey, J Stanyer European journal of communication 25 (4), 331-347, 2010 | 114 | 2010 |
Ideology critique: The challenge for media studies J Downey, G Titley, J Toynbee Media, Culture & Society 36 (6), 878-887, 2014 | 79 | 2014 |
Media framings of the issue of Turkish accession to the EU: a European or national process? T Koenig, S Mihelj, J Downey, M Gencel Bek Innovation 19 (2), 149-169, 2006 | 72 | 2006 |
Central and Eastern European media in comparative perspective: politics, economy and culture J Downey, S Mihelj Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2013 | 70 | 2013 |
Findings of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-sitting and exacerbations trial (COPD-SEAT) in reducing sedentary time using wearable and mobile technologies with … MW Orme, AE Weedon, PM Saukko, DW Esliger, MD Morgan, MC Steiner, ... JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (4), e9398, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
Love's strategy: The political theology of Johann Baptist Metz JK Downey A&C Black, 1999 | 63 | 1999 |
The narrow agenda: How the news media covered the Referendum D Deacon, J Downey, E Harmer, J Stanyer, D Wring EU referendum analysis, 34-35, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Public libraries as reserves of cultural and digital capital: Addressing inequality through digitalization A Leguina, S Mihelj, J Downey Library & Information Science Research 43 (3), 101103, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
Comparing public spheres: Normative models and empirical measurements J Downey, S Mihelj, T König European Journal of Communication 27 (4), 337-353, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
Introduction Comparing Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: Politics, Economy, Culture S Mihelj, J Downey Central and Eastern European Media in Comparative Perspective, 1-14, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Participation and/or deliberation? The Internet as a tool for achieving radical democratic aims J Downey Radical democracy and the internet: Interrogating theory and practice, 108-127, 2007 | 40 | 2007 |
Recognition and the renewal of ideology critique J Downey The media and social theory, 73-88, 2008 | 33 | 2008 |
The counter-revolution in military affairs: the globalization of guerilla warfare J Downey, G Murdock War and the Media: Reporting Conflict 24 7, 70-86, 2003 | 33 | 2003 |
Complementary and competitive logics of mediatization: Political, commercial, and professional logics in Indian media J Downey, TA Neyazi The International Journal of Press/Politics 19 (4), 476-495, 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Exposing politicians’ peccadilloes in comparative context: Explaining the frequency of political sex scandals in eight democracies using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis J Downey, J Stanyer Political communication 30 (3), 495-509, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |