Stefano Ferretti
Stefano Ferretti
Professor of Computer Science, University of Urbino
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Qos–aware clouds
S Ferretti, V Ghini, F Panzieri, M Pellegrini, E Turrini
2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, 321-328, 2010
An intervehicular communication architecture for safety and entertainment
CE Palazzi, M Roccetti, S Ferretti
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 11 (1), 90-99, 2009
On the ethereum blockchain structure: A complex networks theory perspective
S Ferretti, G D'Angelo
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (12), e5493, 2020
Simulation of the Internet of Things
G D'Angelo, S Ferretti, V Ghini
2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2016
How Do You Quickly Choreograph Inter-Vehicular Communications? A Fast Vehicle-to-Vehicle Multi-Hop Broadcast Algorithm, Explained.
CE Palazzi, S Ferretti, M Roccetti, G Pau, M Gerla
CCNC, 960-964, 2007
LikeStarter: a Smart-contract based Social DAO for Crowdfunding
M Zichichi, M Contu, S Ferretti, G D'Angelo
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2019
Multi-level simulation of internet of things on smart territories
G D’Angelo, S Ferretti, V Ghini
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 73, 3-21, 2017
A framework based on distributed ledger technologies for data management and services in intelligent transportation systems
M Zichichi, S Ferretti, G D’angelo
IEEE Access 8, 100384-100402, 2020
On the need of trustworthy sensing and crowdsourcing for urban accessibility in smart city
C Prandi, S Mirri, S Ferretti, P Salomoni
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 18 (1), 1-21, 2017
Automatic web content personalization through reinforcement learning
S Ferretti, S Mirri, C Prandi, P Salomoni
Journal of Systems and Software 121, 157-169, 2016
Dynamic resource provisioning for cloud-based gaming infrastructures
M Marzolla, S Ferretti, G D'angelo
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 10 (1), 1-20, 2012
E-learning 2.0: you are We-LCoME!
S Ferretti, S Mirri, LA Muratori, M Roccetti, P Salomoni
Proceedings of the 2008 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web …, 2008
A distributed ledger based infrastructure for smart transportation system and social good
M Zichichi, S Ferretti, G D'Angelo
2020 IEEE 17th annual consumer communications & networking conference (CCNC …, 2020
Fast delivery of game events with an optimistic synchronization mechanism in massive multiplayer online games
S Ferretti, M Roccetti
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in …, 2005
Simulation of scale-free networks
G D’Angelo, S Ferretti
2nd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, 2010
WWW recycling for a better world
S Ferretti, M Furini, CE Palazzi, M Roccetti, P Salomoni
Communications of the ACM 53 (4), 139-143, 2010
First responders' crystal ball: How to scry the emergency from a remote vehicle
M Roccetti, M Gerla, CE Palazzi, S Ferretti, G Pau
2007 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications …, 2007
On maintaining interactivity in event delivery synchronization for mirrored game architectures
CE Palazzi, S Ferretti, S Cacciaguerra, M Roccetti
IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Workshops, 2004. GlobeCom …, 2004
Online games on wheels: Fast game event delivery in vehicular ad-hoc networks
CE Palazzi, M Roccetti, S Ferretti, G Pau, M Gerla
Proc. of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, 2007
Trustworthiness in crowd-sensed and sourced georeferenced data
C Prandi, S Ferretti, S Mirri, P Salomoni
2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2015
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Articles 1–20