Nuwan Ferdinand
Nuwan Ferdinand
Samsung Research
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Exploitation of stragglers in coded computation
S Kiani, N Ferdinand, SC Draper
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1988-1992, 2018
Hierarchical coded computation
N Ferdinand, SC Draper
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1620-1624, 2018
Effects of Outdated CSI on the Secrecy Performance of MISO Wiretap Channels with Transmit Antenna Selection
N Ferdinand, D da Costa, M Latva-aho
IEEE Communication Letters 17 (5), 864-867, 2013
Unified performance analysis of two-hop amplify-and-forward relay systems with antenna correlation
NS Ferdinand, N Rajatheva
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 10 (9), 3002-3011, 2011
Anytime coding for distributed computation
NS Ferdinand, SC Draper
2016 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2016
Effects of Feedback Delay in Partial Relay Selection over Nakagami-m Fading Channels
N Ferdinand, N Rajatheva, M Latva-aho
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 61 (4), 1620-1634, 2012
Physical Layer Secrecy Performance of TAS Wiretap Channels with Correlated Main and Eavesdropper Channels
N Ferdinand, D da Costa, A de Almeida, M Latva-aho
Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE 3 (1), 86-89, 2014
Anytime minibatch: Exploiting stragglers in online distributed optimization
N Ferdinand, H Al-Lawati, SC Draper, M Nokleby
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05752, 2020
Hierarchical coded matrix multiplication
S Kianidehkordi, N Ferdinand, SC Draper
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 67 (2), 726-754, 2020
Physical Layer Security in MIMO OSTBC Line-of-Sight Wiretap Channels with Arbitrary Transmit/Receive Antenna Correlation
N Ferdinand, D Da Costa, M Latva-aho
Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE 2 (5), 1-4, 2013
Distributed reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for energy-efficient indoor terahertz wireless communications
Y Huo, X Dong, N Ferdinand
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (3), 2728-2742, 2022
Anytime exploitation of stragglers in synchronous stochastic gradient descent
N Ferdinand, B Gharachorloo, SC Draper
2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2017
Anytime stochastic gradient descent: A time to hear from all the workers
N Ferdinand, SC Draper
2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2018
Low-density lattice codes for full-duplex relay channels
NS Ferdinand, M Nokleby, B Aazhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (4), 2309-2321, 2014
Low-dimensional shaping for high-dimensional lattice codes
NS Ferdinand, BM Kurkoski, M Nokleby, B Aazhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (11), 7405-7418, 2016
Performance analysis of imperfect channel estimation in MIMO two hop fixed gain relay network with beamforming
NS Ferdinand, N Rajatheva
IEEE Communications letters 15 (2), 208-210, 2011
Shaping low-density lattice codes using Voronoi integers
NS Ferdinand, BM Kurkoski, B Aazhang, M Latva-Aho
2014 IEEE information theory workshop (ITW 2014), 127-131, 2014
Secrecy outage performance of MISO wiretap channels with outdated CSI
NS Ferdinand, DB da Costa, ALF de Almeida, M Latva-aho
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 789-793, 2014
Secrecy outage performance of MIMO wiretap channels with multiple jamming signals
DB da Costa, NS Ferdinand, US Dias, RT de Sousa Júnior, M Latva-Aho
Journal of Communication and Information Systems 31 (1), 2016
The scattering channel model for terahertz wireless communications
AM Khamse, X Dong, N Ferdinand
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 4, 810-822, 2023
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Articles 1–20