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Stefan DeckerFraunhofer FIT, RWTH Aachen UniversityEmail confirmado em informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Steffen StaabWAIS, University of Southampton, UK & Analytic Computing, Universität Stuttgart, DEEmail confirmado em ki.uni-stuttgart.de
Ian HorrocksProfessor of Computer Science, University of OxfordEmail confirmado em cs.ox.ac.uk
Michel KleinAssociate Professor, Social AI, Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamEmail confirmado em cs.vu.nl
Frank van HarmelenDept. of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamEmail confirmado em vu.nl
Alexander MaedcheProfessor, human-centered systems lab (h-lab), Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em kit.edu
York Sure-VetterProfessor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)Email confirmado em kit.edu
Enrico MottaProfessor of Knowledge Technologies, KMi, The Open UniversityEmail confirmado em open.ac.uk
Carole GobleProfessor of Computer Science, University of ManchesterEmail confirmado em manchester.ac.uk
Andreas HothoUniversity of WürzburgEmail confirmado em informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Mathieu d'AquinProfessor of Computer Science, Université de Lorraine, LORIA, IDMCEmail confirmado em loria.fr
Jose Manuel Gomez-PerezDirector of Language Technology Research at expert.aiEmail confirmado em expert.ai
Peter Haasemetaphacts GmbHEmail confirmado em metaphacts.com
Deborah L. McGuinnessTetherless World Chair, Prof. Computer, Cognitive,Web Sciences, Industrial &Systems Engineering,RPIEmail confirmado em cs.rpi.edu
Sean BechhoferProfessor of Computer Science, Dept of Computer Science, University of ManchesterEmail confirmado em manchester.ac.uk
Oscar CorchoOntology Engineering Group, Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, UPMEmail confirmado em fi.upm.es
Thanh TranUpworkEmail confirmado em upwork.com
Emanuele Della VallePolitecnico di MilanoEmail confirmado em polimi.it
Daniel HanschDIQA Projektmanagement GmbHEmail confirmado em diqa-pm.com
Klaus Pohlpaluno, Univ. Duisburg-EssenEmail confirmado em paluno.uni-due.de