Shrikant Mehre
Shrikant Mehre
Research Student, Dept. of E&ECE, IIT Kharagpur
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Cited by
Content-Based Image Retrieval System for Pulmonary Nodules Using Optimal Feature Sets and Class Membership-Based Retrieval
SA Mehre, AK Dhara, M Garg, N Kalra, N Khandelwal, S Mukhopadhyay
Journal of digital imaging 32 (3), 362-385, 2019
An automated lung nodule detection system for CT images using synthetic minority oversampling
SA Mehre, S Mukhopadhyay, A Dutta, NC Harsha, AK Dhara, ...
SPIE Medical Imaging, 97850H-97850H-8, 2016
Morphological Geodesic Active Contour based Automatic Aorta Segmentation in Thoracic CT Images
A Dasgupta, S Mukhopadhyay, SA Mehre, P Bhattacharyya
A study of retrieval accuracy of pulmonary nodules based on external attachment
AK Dhara, S Mukhopadhyay, SA Mehre, N Khandelwal, N Prabhakar, ...
Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 10134, 990-995, 2017
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) based computer aided diagnosis (CAD) for evaluation of lung nodules: an indigenously developed tool assisting radiologists in self-learning …
MK GARG, N Khandelwal, N KALRA, S Mukhopadhaya, S Mehre
European Congress of Radiology-ECR 2017, 2017
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Articles 1–5