Camilo Valdes
Cited by
Cited by
Dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome evolution
K Mathee, G Narasimhan, C Valdes, X Qiu, JM Matewish, M Koehrsen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (8), 3100-3105, 2008
Existing and potential statistical and computational approaches for the analysis of 3D CT images of plant roots
Z Xu, C Valdes, J Clarke
Agronomy 8 (5), 71, 2018
Time series modeling of cell cycle exit identifies Brd4 dependent regulation of cerebellar neurogenesis
C Penas, ME Maloof, V Stathias, J Long, SK Tan, J Mier, Y Fang, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3028, 2019
Identification of BRAF 3'UTR isoforms in melanoma
A Marranci, A Tuccoli, M Vitiello, E Mercoledi, S Sarti, S Lubrano, ...
The Journal of investigative dermatology 135 (6), 1694-1697, 2015
Large scale microbiome profiling in the cloud
C Valdes, V Stebliankin, G Narasimhan
Bioinformatics 35 (14), i13-i22, 2019
Methods to detect transcribed pseudogenes: RNA-Seq discovery allows learning through features
C Valdes, E Capobianco
Pseudogenes: Functions and Protocols, 157-183, 2014
Characteristics of cross-hybridization and cross-alignment of expression in pseudo-xenograft samples by RNA-Seq and microarrays
C Valdes, P Seo, N Tsinoremas, J Clarke
Journal of clinical bioinformatics 3, 1-17, 2013
A Bayes testing approach to metagenomic profiling in bacteria
B Clarke, C Valdes, A Dobra, J Clarke
Statistics and its Interface 8 (2), 173-185, 2015
GenSensor Suite: A Web‐Based Tool for the Analysis of Gene and Protein Interactions, Pathways, and Regulation
M Gosink, S Khuri, C Valdes, Z Jiang, NF Tsinoremas
Advances in bioinformatics 2011 (1), 271563, 2011
Novel approach for microbiome analysis using bacterial replication rates and causal inference with applications
V Stebliankin, M Sazal, C Valdes, K Mathee, G Narasimhan
bioRxiv, 2020.05. 21.108514, 2020
Microbiome maps: Hilbert curve visualizations of metagenomic profiles
C Valdes, V Stebliankin, D Ruiz-Perez, JI Park, H Lee, G Narasimhan
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 3, 1154588, 2023
Ensemble modeling approach targeting heterogeneous RNA-Seq data: application to melanoma pseudogenes
E Capobianco, C Valdes, S Sarti, Z Jiang, L Poliseno, NF Tsinoremas
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17344, 2017
A novel approach for combining the metagenome, metaresistome, metareplicome and causal inference to determine the microbes and their antibiotic resistance gene repertoire that …
V Stebliankin, M Sazal, C Valdes, K Mathee, G Narasimhan
Microbial Genomics 8 (12), 000899, 2022
Modeling association in microbial communities with clique loglinear models
A Dobra, C Valdes, D Ajdic, B Clarke, J Clarke
The Annals of Applied Statistics 13 (2), 931-957, 2019
L Poliseno
Methods in Molecular Biology Series, 2014
Exp4-dfdc: A non-stochastic multi-armed bandit for cache replacement
F Yusuf, C Valdes, V Stebliankin, G Vietri, G Narasimhan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.11330, 2020
Detecting bacterial genomes in a metagenomic sample using NGS reads
C Valdes, M Brennan, B Clarke, J Clarke
Statistics and its Interface 8 (4), 477-494, 2015
Statistics and Its Interface
Y Liu, P Song, H Zhang, H Zou, N Mesue, T Nummi, J Pan, H Liang, Y Yu, ...
A Volumetric Segmentation Method for Learning Structural Representations of Plant Roots in 3D X-Ray CT Scans
C Valdes, A Iyer-Pascuzzi, V Meline, J Claußen, S Gerth, J Clarke
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Three Essays on Trade Policy in a Multi-Country World
E Valdes
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Articles 1–20