Giuseppe Morlino
Giuseppe Morlino
Phd in Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome. Former member of the Laboratory of Autonomous
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Cited by
Collective perception in a swarm of autonomous robots
G Morlino, V Trianni, E Tuci
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation 2, 51-59, 2010
Learning to manipulate and categorize in human and artificial agents
G Morlino, C Gianelli, AM Borghi, S Nolfi
Cognitive Science 39 (1), 39-64, 2015
Bottom-up learning of feedback in a categorization task
S Griffiths, S Nolfi, G Morlino, L Schillingmann, S Kuehnel, K Rohlfing, ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and …, 2012
Natural and artificial systems: Compare, model or engineer?
K Vassie, G Morlino
From Animals to Animats 12: 12th International Conference on Simulation of …, 2012
Developing the Ability to Manipulate Objects: A Comparative Study with Humans and Artificial Agents
G Morlino, C Giannelli, AM Borghi, S Nolfi
10th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob10), 169-170, 2010
Evolution of Collective Perception in a Group of Autonomous Robots
G Morlino, V Trianni, E Tuci
Computational Intelligence 399, 67-80, 2012
Category learning through action: A study with human and artificial agents
G Morlino, C Gianelli, A Borghi, S Nolfi
Cognitive Processing 13, S47-S48, 2012
Development of Abstract Categories in Embodied Agents
G Morlino, A Sterbini, S Nolfi
European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2009) 5777, 213-221, 2009
Behle, Christoph 345 Kůrková, Věra 361 Bernardino, Anabela Moreira 81 Bernardino, Eugénia Moreira 81
JC Bezdek, CA Bohn, H Boley, Y Li, WD Lichtenbelt, CE Borges, RT Bye, ...
Computational Intelligence: Revised and Selected Papers of the International …, 2012
Human and Artificial Agents Learning Categories in Interaction
G Morlino, SS Griffiths, L Schillingmann, S Nolfi, B Wrede, K Rohlfing
International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems (ICCNS 2011), 11-14 …, 2011
Alba, Enrique 21 Al-Duwaish, Hussain N. 331 Alexandre, Frédéric 317 Alonso, César L. 49
H Annuth, C Behle, AM Bernardino, EM Bernardino, JC Bezdek, CA Bohn, ...
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 399, 421, 0
Category Learning and Social Embodiment
G Morlino, C Gianelli, AM Borghi, S Nolfi
NATURAL vs, via and pro ARTIFICIAL Systems
G Morlino, K Vassie
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Articles 1–13