Yi Ma (马毅)
Yi Ma (马毅)
Director of School of Computing and Data Science, HKU; Professor of EECS, UC Berkeley
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Cited by
Cited by
Robust face recognition via sparse representation
J Wright, AY Yang, A Ganesh, SS Sastry, Y Ma
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (2), 210-227, 2008
Robust principal component analysis?
EJ Candes, X Li, Y Ma, J Wright
Journal of the ACM, (preprint ArXiv:0912.3599) 58 (3), 2011
Image super-resolution via sparse representation
J Yang, J Wright, TS Huang, Y Ma
IEEE transactions on image processing 19 (11), 2861-2873, 2010
Robust recovery of subspace structures by low-rank representation
G Liu, Z Lin, S Yan, J Sun, Y Yu, Y Ma
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1-1, 2013
The augmented lagrange multiplier method for exact recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices
Z Lin, M Chen, Y Ma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.5055, 2010
An invitation to 3-d vision: from images to geometric models
Y Ma, S Soatto, J Kosecka, S Sastry
Springer Verlag, 2004
Sparse representation for computer vision and pattern recognition
J Wright, Y Ma, J Mairal, G Sapiro, TS Huang, S Yan
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (6), 1031-1044, 2010
Single-image crowd counting via multi-column convolutional neural network
YM Yingying Zhang, Desen Zhou, Siqin Chen, Shenghua Gao
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016
Robust principal component analysis: Exact recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices via convex optimization
J Wright, A Ganesh, S Rao, Y Peng, Y Ma
NIPS 2009, 2009
Image super-resolution as sparse representation of raw image patches
J Yang, J Wright, T Huang, Y Ma
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Generalized principal component analysis
R Vidal, Y Ma, SS Sastry
Springer, 2016
PCANet: A simple deep learning baseline for image classification?
TH Chan, K Jia, S Gao, J Lu, Z Zeng, Y Ma
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (12), 5017-5032, 2015
RASL: Robust alignment by sparse and low-rank decomposition for linearly correlated images
Y Peng, A Ganesh, J Wright, W Xu, Y Ma
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 2010
Detecting Texts of Arbitrary Orientations in Natural Images
C Yao, X Bai, W Liu, Y Ma, Z Tu
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012
On the role of sparse and redundant representations in image processing
M Elad, MAT Figueiredo, Y Ma
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (6), 972-982, 2010
Toward a practical face recognition system: Robust alignment and illumination by sparse representation
A Wagner, J Wright, A Ganesh, Z Zhou, H Mobahi, Y Ma
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (2), 372-386, 2011
Stable principal component pursuit
Z Zhou, X Li, J Wright, E Candes, Y Ma
2010 IEEE international symposium on information theory, 1518-1522, 2010
Unsupervised segmentation of natural images via lossy data compression
AY Yang, J Wright, Y Ma, SS Sastry
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 110 (2), 212-225, 2008
Fast convex optimization algorithms for exact recovery of a corrupted low-rank matrix
Z Lin, A Ganesh, J Wright, L Wu, M Chen, Y Ma
Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), 2009
Compressive sensing via nonlocal low-rank regularization
W Dong, G Shi, X Li, Y Ma, F Huang
IEEE transactions on image processing 23 (8), 3618-3632, 2014
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Articles 1–20