Qiaoni Han
Qiaoni Han
School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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Cited by
MPC-based cooperative control strategy of path planning and trajectory tracking for intelligent vehicles
Z Zuo, X Yang, Z Li, Y Wang, Q Han, L Wang, X Luo
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 6 (3), 513-522, 2020
Backhaul-aware user association and resource allocation for energy-constrained HetNets
Q Han, B Yang, G Miao, C Chen, X Wang, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (1), 580-593, 2016
Joint offloading decision and resource allocation for vehicular fog-edge computing networks: A contract-stackelberg approach
Y Li, B Yang, H Wu, Q Han, C Chen, X Guan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (17), 15969-15982, 2022
Hierarchical-game-based uplink power control in femtocell networks
Q Han, B Yang, X Wang, K Ma, C Chen, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (6), 2819-2835, 2014
Optimal power management for failure mode of MVDC microgrids in all-electric ships
Q Xu, B Yang, Q Han, Y Yuan, C Chen, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (2), 1054-1067, 2018
Distributed control for charging multiple electric vehicles with overload limitation
B Yang, J Li, Q Han, T He, C Chen, X Guan
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (12), 3441-3454, 2016
Pricing-based spectrum leasing in cognitive radio networks
X Wang, K Ma, Q Han, Z Liu, X Guan
IET networks 1 (3), 116-125, 2012
Energy-aware and QoS-aware load balancing for HetNets powered by renewable energy
Q Han, B Yang, C Chen, X Guan
Computer Networks 94, 250-262, 2016
Power control based on maximum power adaptation in two-tier femtocell networks
Q Han, K Ma, Z Liu, X Guan
Wireless personal communications 70, 331-351, 2013
Bandwidth allocation for cooperative relay networks based on Nash bargaining solution
K Ma, Q Han, C Chen, X Guan
International Journal of Communication Systems 25 (8), 1044-1058, 2012
Distributed data-driven model predictive control for heterogeneous vehicular platoon with uncertain dynamics
Y Wu, Z Zuo, Y Wang, Q Han, C Hu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (8), 9969-9983, 2023
Matching-based cell selection for proportional fair throughput boosting via dual-connectivity
Q Han, B Yang, C Chen, X Guan
2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2017
Differential privacy for bipartite consensus over signed digraph
Z Zuo, R Tian, Q Han, Y Wang, W Zhang
Neurocomputing 468, 11-21, 2022
Energy-efficient resource allocation for time-varying OFDMA relay systems with hybrid energy supplies
B Yang, Y Shen, Q Han, C Chen, X Guan, W Zhang
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (1), 702-713, 2016
Price‐based interference management in dense femtocell systems
X Wang, Q Han, X Guan, K Ma
International Journal of Communication Systems 28 (1), 19-37, 2015
Longitudinal control-oriented spectrum sharing based on C-V2X for vehicle platoons
Q Han, C Liu, H Yang, Z Zuo
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (1), 1125-1136, 2022
Robust uplink power control for co-channel two-tier femtocell networks
X Guan, Q Han, K Ma, X Wang
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 67 (6), 504-512, 2013
Formation control of wheeled mobile robots with multiple virtual leaders under communication failures
Y Wu, Z Zuo, Q Han, Y Wang, H Yang
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (1), 295-305, 2022
Matching-based joint uplink and downlink user association for energy-efficient hetnets
Q Han, B Yang, C Chen, X Guan
2016 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal …, 2016
Stackelberg game based interference management for two-tier femtocell networks
Q Han, K Ma, X Wang, X Guan, J Ma
Wireless networks 19, 1665-1677, 2013
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Articles 1–20