Daniel R. Biggers
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Understanding the Adoption of Voter Identification Laws in the American States
DR Biggers, MJ Hanmer
American Politics Research, 1532673X16687266, 2017
Who Makes Voting Convenient? Explaining the Adoption of Early and No-Excuse Absentee Voting in the American States
DR Biggers, MJ Hanmer
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 15 (2), 192-210, 2015
Self-interest, beliefs, and policy opinions: understanding how economic beliefs affect immigration policy preferences
AS Gerber, GA Huber, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
Political Research Quarterly 70 (1), 155-171, 2017
Does Incarceration Reduce Voting? Evidence about the Political Consequences of Spending Time in Prison
AS Gerber, GA Huber, M Meredith, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
The Journal of Politics 79 (4), 1130-1146, 2017
Reporting guidelines for experimental research: A report from the experimental research section standards committee
A Gerber, K Arceneaux, C Boudreau, C Dowling, S Hillygus, T Palfrey, ...
Journal of Experimental Political Science 1 (1), 81-98, 2014
When ballot issues matter: Social issue ballot measures and their impact on turnout
DR Biggers
Political Behavior 33 (1), 3-25, 2011
Can incarcerated felons be (Re) integrated into the political system? Results from a field experiment
AS Gerber, GA Huber, M Meredith, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
American Journal of Political Science 59 (4), 912-926, 2015
Does Partisan Self-interest Dictate Support for Election Reform? Experimental Evidence on the Willingness of Citizens to Alter the Costs of Voting for Electoral Gain
DR Biggers
Political Behavior 41 (4), 1025-1046, 2019
Does threatening their franchise make registered voters more likely to participate? Evidence from an aborted voter purge
DR Biggers, DA Smith
British Journal of Political Science 50 (3), 933-954, 2020
A field experiment shows that subtle linguistic cues might not affect voter behavior
AS Gerber, GA Huber, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (26), 7112-7117, 2016
Morality at the Ballot: Direct Democracy and Political Engagement in the United States
DR Biggers
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Why don't people vote in US primary elections? Assessing theoretical explanations for reduced participation
AS Gerber, GA Huber, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
Electoral Studies 45, 119-129, 2017
Ecological inference under unfavorable conditions: Straight and split-ticket voting in diverse settings and small samples
W Park, MJ Hanmer, DR Biggers
Electoral Studies 36, 192-203, 2014
Can a social issue proposition increase political knowledge? Campaign learning and the educative effects of direct democracy
DR Biggers
American Politics Research 40 (6), 998-1025, 2012
Can the backlash against voter ID laws activate minority voters? Experimental evidence examining voter mobilization through psychological reactance
DR Biggers
Political Behavior 43 (3), 1161-1179, 2021
Ballot Secrecy Concerns and Voter Mobilization: New Experimental Evidence About Message Source, Context, and the Duration of Mobilization Effects
AS Gerber, GA Huber, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
American Politics Research 42 (5), 896-923, 2014
Citizen Assessment of Electoral Reforms: Do Evaluations of Fairness Blunt Self-Interest?
DR Biggers, S Bowler
Political Behavior 44 (1), 435-454, 2022
Experimental Evidence about Whether (and Why) Electoral Closeness Affects Turnout
DR Biggers, DJ Hendry, AS Gerber, GA Huber
Unpublished manuscript, 2017
Can raising the stakes of election outcomes increase participation? Results from a large-scale field experiment in local elections
GA Huber, AS Gerber, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
British Journal of Political Science 52 (4), 1635-1650, 2022
Reply to Bryan et al.: Variation in context unlikely explanation of nonrobustness of noun versus verb results
AS Gerber, GA Huber, DR Biggers, DJ Hendry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (43), E6549-E6550, 2016
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